Silverthorn's Comments
(21) comments by

Comments by Date (21)
Still no codes. Razer support says they are waiting for the hardware return window to expire, 20 business days.
I gifted the two subs, redeemed the code, but no pet has appeared yet. So if you are in the same boat, just be patient!
This may be the ugliest pet yet!
> This pet requires that every race be completed on both silver and Advanced silver. <
On the same character! And not every course, but almost all of them. It's a tough slog. Be sure to look at for hints. You can do it if you keep working at it!
It did not take a lot of time and/or effort to beat Hogger and get this promotional pet. Do it soon before the promotion is done! It would not surprise me if it winds up at the Trading Post someday, but it could be some time before that happens.
I appreciate that buying the pet and mount earlier allowed me enjoyment prior to this offering, which offsets my paying real money for something that is now free. Expansions, notably, are also rolled into the base product when they are older. I got to play them when they were current by buying them.
However, that being said, there are at least 2 dozen pets that are unobtainable by a majority of pet collectors. Why not reissue the Spirit of Competition, Murky, Spectral Cub or Tiny Green Dragon. Chinese players won't even be able to play any more, so who would even object to reintroducing Panda Cub or Lucky?
Really hoping this drops from LFR!
Only 9 of the 23 tradeable pets have been seen on *any* auction house so far.
Very disappointing that this is not tradeable. Most, if not all, other pets from Island Expeditions are tradeable, so why not this one as well?
The spawn rate for the Lost Mail item seems to be about every 3 hours or so.
It will most likely be added to the API with the release of Patch 7.3--Tuesday, 8/29/17. Try updating after that time.
I just made my first Pierre. The crafted item *is* tradeable. I'm not certain about the battle pet after it has been learned. It might work the way Red Cricket does, where the item is tradeable, but the pet is not.
The Armory API says that this pet is not Tradeable, but I've seen it on the Auction House many times, so it looks like the Armory data may be in error.
No luck yet, but confirmed spawns at Ahn'Qiraj at
54.90 8.73
52.44 10.75
55.63 6.93
Good luck.
Just won one on the BMAH for 115k. It stands above a raiding party and flaps beautifully in the wind. It changes colors every couple minutes. Awesome.
2 days ago, this was on the local Black Market AH. The bidding went to 125kg!
Just finished getting a DK to 60 and flying on Gallywix. Logged in last night around midnight and spotted one. I was one of three DKs rushing to the spot.
I'm still happy though-- I at least spotted one fairly early on.
Update: got a poor one! On Gallywix from 11:30 pm to 12:15 am seems to be when it spawns.
Note: Get your DK to 60 and flying before camping in Shatter Scar Vale.
> Scourged Whelpling was acknowledged as being too scarce and Patch 5.2 would change it so it is "only" as rare as Minfernals... <
Got mine just as the server came up on 3/5/13 with Patch 5.2. First one I saw and it was a rare.
From what I can tell online, there's just one trainer that teaches this-- Sally Fizzlefury -- at the Nesingwary Safari in the Valley of the Four Winds. I'm definitely checking this out tonight!
This pet isn't showing up on this site with a filter of "Source Trading Card Game". FYI.
At least these pets won't cost hundreds of dollars and will be available world-wide!