Penny2's Comments
(14) comments by

Comments by Date (14)
Totally agree. Yah more pets, and sigh more pets. Oh well it makes the regular content more fun when you have to stop and tame a pet, and we do need more mech ones.
I have been running LFR, normal and heroic for 6 weeks, does anyone know if this pet is still available? So far hasn't dropped for me. Ok dropped today 12/24/24 on LFR on my 23rd run for this toon. So yes it's still available
Does anyone know if it has to have the storm up to spawn?
Is the quest an everyday repeatable one or just once a week
I have purchased this pet but haven't seen it yet. Does it appear in your game mailbox? Or is there something else required? Ok they provided a route to collect this pet and I just skipped right over it. Thank you I have my pet.
I also completed the quest and the achievement it is tied to. No pet.
Ok did the quest and got the pet on my drac. Then it disappeared from my list of acquired pets. It shows that I didn't get it but the quest is done. What gives is anyone else having this problem?
I bought the game and activated the code but no pet. any suggestions? I am sorry "person who emailed me" I still havent figured out how to get this pet to load to my pet account but I am holding on to the game just in case it ever becomes clear.
I agree its too much, I am a casual player that is(was?)#1 on KT as a pet collector. It is just too much. I will not be doing all 3 weapon paths on any of my toons. I must finally give up the one thing I really excelled at on wow and forget the pets that require dungeons that are not cageable and pets that require me to do class lines like healing that I do not do. For selfish me, this is not acceptable.
Is there a chance Blizz will increase the total of collectable pets. I am culling 3rd ones where I can and only keeping my best but I am still not as far from the cap as I would like.
I am also looking for a guild that will let me join to get this pet. would appreciate the help as a pet collector on a server that really doesnt raid seriously.
Alysa-Steamwheedle Cartel. or Philippa on Kirin Tor.
Got mine thru a friendly guild that offered to allow me to join. What a great thing to do for people. I guess I just have gotten used to people not extending themselves for others and this surprised me. Love my cute little pet.
I am greedy I want both
I have purchase 3 mouse pads. One for myself and 2 as gifts for others. So far no codes have been sent and when I go to Razer to ask about them it says there is no record of any purchases this year sigh. I guess outside of a nice mouse pad there is no pet for me or my friends.