Lornaa's Comments
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I bought the Horde mug for my tea :) and Hubby is buying the horde Pint Glass or fridge magnet but I would have bought the Horde Keychain if there had been one :-/
I got the confirmation a few minutes after ordering that my pet code will arrive in 5 days
Found as a backline pet when fighting an Alchemical Runoff 40, 90
I'm so glad that they have given us Retail users the option to buy the pet this time, now if they make the other Classic subs pets available in retail, I'd be very happy :)
The Timbered Air Snakelet is a beautiful pet :)
Gimme all da doggies!!! (yeah, I know they're Hyenas so they're not dogs but they look like dogs....LOL)
As this isn't availabe in game yet, I wonder if it's going to be under the tree?
The codes have not yet been emailed out in the UK to those who ordered the Keyboard, Razer said probably early Jan 2025 for the codes including this little darlin' :)
Don't feel bad about Gill'el, he literally sold out within 24 hours of release :( By the time you knew about him, he was already sold out everywhere so you couldn't have let people know in time *hugs*
Brrrgl is sold out on the UK store already
He now shows up in the pet journal if you search for him :)
I raised a ticket, asked them to post me the pet like they did the last time this issue occured and they did :) If you have completed the achievement, just raise a ticket and ask them to post the pet like they did last time this type of issue occured and they should post it to you :)
Hopefully some entrepreneurial peeps out there will put them on ebay for purchase
Re: Mister Muskoxeles. So, when you get the pop up to say he's been awarded, he actually IS in your pet collection, however cannot be found in your pet journal. However, is you use /summonpet Mister Muskoxeles then you can summon him and you can also use a pet stone on him to make him level 25.
I also did the gift subs, redeemed the code and still no sign of the pet aftet 8 hours, GM said max 24 so if/when it's not delivered by 09:00 BST, I'll reopen my ticket
Parrlok's idle is him curling up with a toy and it looks like he's sucking his thumb <3
Pokee is the new pet for May Trading Post :)
Yep, the portals spawn at all three locations every hour now so you can pick one and stay there. I'd say the drop rate for the pet is about 10% as I killed 11 before I got the pet
Teele is the reward for the March Trading Post, he's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute :)
Buggsy and Nelle are February's Trading Post purchases, and you've got the Heartseeker Moth purchaseable for 40 Love Tokens from the Love Is In The Air event :) and getting 40 tokens is waaaay easy, you'll get them by the time you finish the new quests :)
if the research WQs are on a fixed rotation, then it will b a minimum 7 weeks to research one site.... if ALL sites are required it will be 9 weeks to get the achivement and this pet
Got my last snail from the racing, now to push on for the get the Niffem rewards at renown 15 and 20 :)