Spectral Spinner

Twitches legs.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.2.2 | Posted: September 1, 2015
This wild pet can only be spawned using an item purchased during Hallow's End.
Creepy Crawlers (purchased for 5 Spooky Supplies) is similar to the Rodent Crate used to summon the Sumprush Rodent.
Using Creepy Crawlers will spawn Ghastly Rats, Ghost Maggots, and Spectral Spinners that you can capture in your garrison. These wild pets remain spawned throughout the in-game event and persist through zoning and logging out.
Players can visit another player's garrison to capture these pets.
Creepy Crawlers (purchased for 5 Spooky Supplies) is similar to the Rodent Crate used to summon the Sumprush Rodent.
Using Creepy Crawlers will spawn Ghastly Rats, Ghost Maggots, and Spectral Spinners that you can capture in your garrison. These wild pets remain spawned throughout the in-game event and persist through zoning and logging out.
Players can visit another player's garrison to capture these pets.
Level 0:

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The Ghastly Rat, Ghost Maggot and Spectral Spinner will remain in your Garrison even after Hallow's End has ended. You speak with Izzy Hollyfizzle to take down the decorations. However, I've left mine up, at least for now, and should you be the type to hunt these out of season, contact me and we'll group to get you a garrison invite.
Based on this pet's thumbnail, it's obviously the spider from the movie Arachnaphobia returned to the land of the living in search of vengeance!
I managed to get all 3 rares from this event, yay! But it said that they would all remain in the garrison until the Hallows event ended, yet mine still seem to be hanging around even after the event! This happening to anyone else?
I must say that the Ghost Maggot was the hardest to get a rare to drop on, but I did finally get a B/B to fall for me.Â
As for the Spinner, I'm using a P/B. I haven't filled out any of my other two slots for it, but i really do like this breed. my current Trio of spooks:
Ghastly Rat/25 Rare/ S/BÂ H1465 P273 S289Â 2,1,2
Spectral Spinner/25 Rare/ S/B H1465 P273 S289Â 2,2,2
Ghost Maggot/25 Rare/Â B/BÂ H1481 P276 S276Â 2,2,2
Enkitir, I just trapped a Rare B/B Ghost Maggot this morning. They're out there!
On the topic of the Spectral Spinner though: I have an S/S and a P/S (both Rare). Any suggestions for my third from the remaining breeds?
OK, here we go....Â
I tried to farm Ghost Maggot, Ghastly Rat and Spectral Spinner in rare.Â
 Ive get Ghasty and Spectral verry fast but with Ghost Maggot is there only coming uncommon...Â
Did anyone trap a rare Ghost Maggot at all???Â
Ghastly Rat:    Spectral Spinner   Ghost Maggot
Lvl: 23 Â Â Â Â Â Â Lvl: 23 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Lvl: 23
Hlth: 1.356 Â Â Â Hlth: 1.296 Â Â Â Â Â Â Hlth: 1.204
Pwr: 251 Â Â Â Â Â Pwr: 239 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Pwr: 221
Spd: 266 Â Â Â Â Â Spd: 299 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Spd: 276
Piedude, they have breeds, but likely your BreedID addon is not updated yet.
You can find the breed by using the Battle Info tab here. Choose the rarity and slide the slider to find the breed that matches the stats you're seeing.
I just did that to pick up an S/S of this pet.
Updating for new information:
After capturing, the breed seems to be totally random for me.
Whatever the breed seemed to be when capturing.
Found a S/S Lvl25, Uncommon, finally!
Before Cap:
Health 1000, Power 176, Speed 275
After Cap:
H 1112, P 202, S 253
Like the other two new pets, I captured an uncommon first and then all the others were poor. However, since you are going to use a stone to make them rare anyway it doesn't matter.
All three respawn really quickly so it doesn't take long to find the breed/s you want to keep and make rare.
As stated you can get a 325 speed.
Run four quests from your garrison which give 5 spooky supplies. Buy and use the Creepy Crawlers from the quest hand in vendor. Pets appear all over garrison to be captured in the usual way. I was hoping for a bit more content, this is trivial.
An S/S one does exist! It's quite possible that this pet will become new Pet of the Quarter in PvP.
Anything what can be used against Graves is good. And now we know that not only against him.
Either that or it will be from the NPC vendor where you can trade candies for other pets like the Feline Familiar! I love halloween - can not control my excitement! I would love this pet for my collection :D
I'm guessing this will come from the item sold by Izzy Hollyfizzle in your garrison, possibly in a similar manner to the Rodent Crate for the Sumprush Rodent.