Spectral Raven

Ground (hovers)
Flutters about.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.0.1 | Posted: August 13, 2018
Level 0:

1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

I found a rare as a secondary to a young sand sifter on the east coast!
I found a rare one by the entree, and accidentally killed him:( is it ever going to respawn? or how do i get one now?
Found this one while capturing a Bloodfever Tarantula and it came with one. Came to this sight to see what was up about it and it seems it's not to common. Got lucky I guess.
Does this guy even spawn as a rare in the wild? I've been hunting for two days for him and a returned hatchling rare. On the up side, I have leveled 5 pets from 5-max while searching. My hunt will continue!
Just found out about this pet. Went to the necropolis and it was the first pet I found in the area. It was at the N/W part of the necropolis and it was uncommon but S/S. So happy :)
There\s a small cave at 22.75 44.46 where I have seen it pop as an extra pet a few times
Was exploring the temple, and left via NE side, by the beach. Hopped down a level and looked up at. There right in front of me was the Spectral Raven. Hadnt seen one before. There were no other on my minimap. Quickly there a team together, and started the battle. Not only was he the only one, but also rare, and a PP to boot! Named him Spirit of Nazmir.
The ability placement is unfortunate. Call darkness and nocturnal strike in same column. Will have to be in a darkness team.
THE LONG AWAITED DRAGON SLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The ones based around the temple are on a very long timer. I managed to tame one just sitting to the left of the north side. The fastest way would be to find it as an added pet. S/S will be my go to for this pet. P/P would be cool too. Too bad we can't buy upgrade stones with our old currency anymore.
I had trouble finding this one, even as a second row pet.
Just keep swimming... just keep swimming...
You can also find these as a primary pet around the Necropolis.
Turns up a lot in Nazmir as an added pet. The fastest undead pet in the game in the S/S breed though for my money the P/S breed is the PvP choice. 314 Speed plus Darkness is fast enough to take on those pesky Clutch Sisters and that extra power is probably better in this guy with no moves that specifically benefit by going first.
i am struggling to find some information on this pet. What I do know is that it’s from zone Nazmir. I will be heading there to investigate. I know it is apart of the achievemen battle safari. I'm looking forward to the combo abilities call darkness and nocturnal strike And it’s good looks!
Edited to say: Finally got one, I randomly do pet battles whilst questing and it appeared as a back up pet! keep trying, they are out there and look even better ingame. I called mine Jimmy!