Restless Shadeling

Roars and idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
This wild pet can be found in the Master's Cellar. The entrance to the cellar is located in the ruined town just outside of the Karazhan instance in Deadwind Pass.
The shadeling only spawns during the early morning hours (roughly between midnight and 9 AM).
Read more about this pet in our Pet of the Month!
Level 0:

Restless Shadeling captured at 10:10AM EST and 10:10AM server time. Not seeing how this could possibly count as early morning. Very frustrating after camping it for years. And then recently trying again for several days from 11:30PM till 2:15AM and 5:30AM til 8:00AM. It was just a fluke that I logged into my alt I had parked there and saw them. Maybe the real spawn time is based on PDT, regardless of local or server? Oh well, glad to be done with this pet.
It's the last pet I need for Eastern Kingdoms Safari ;-;
I did the quests and went in and out of those catacombs (47, 78) a bunch of times but the only pets in the area were Arcane Eyes. I finished the quests at 00:33 server time, hadn't seen any around the whole time. Left after 10 minutes. Will check again after the hour changes. Edits: Nothing at 1:20 server time, came back at 2:55 and there were a lot, 2 were in front of the barrier area and there were more beyond
This morning, I found several that were NOT behind any barrier!
seems like you have to do two quests to get to the area
i found it spawn in sergeras US after 5am pst. in discord someone said its bugged and go there warmode off and got it . it was 5:30am pst
Was able to get a green today by walking out onto the fel-barrier to the right as you go down into the cellar and targeting a restless shadeling through the barrier and engaging in battle. When the battle ended, it pulled me through to the other side of the barrier.
For people who are looking for this guy as of recently of me posting this comment, you will notice alot spawn behind a wall of fel that you cant get past so what you have to do is do a bit of quests for the guys standing near karazhan and it will open up the fell wall on the quest that has you disguise as demon or somthing. Hopefully this is helpful for new pet collectors :D
Picked up a blue one today on the second try! it was 5:23 server time - Wyrmrest. They're in the basements underground and you must have war mode off!
Got a green at 1.45am - just down the bottom of the ramp in the masters cellar.
I've been camping these for a couple of weeks, checking a couple times after midnight. Never saw them while in warmode. However, currently battling them right now; it's 2:30am central time and I'm not in warmode. It seems that warmode might affect how weather-related pets spawn. I had the same problem+solution with the arctic fox kits.
I found these guys after midnight, server time (29 December 2019). Thanks to Deekore's post I was able to get through the green Fel Barrier by letting the mobs kill me & rezzing on the other side. Tip - die near the barrier that's covering the hole (not the wall) as that gets you through to a ledge and after you check that area you can drop to the rest of that area. There are 2 cellar entrances.
These appear at Midnight PST. Not server time or local time. Whenever it hits midnight on the west coast of the US is when these spawn. Happy hunting!
Tons on Wrymrest Accord (US) @ 820 a.m. server time!
Where are these guys hiding? Ive been waiting but nothing, its 12:33 on emerald dream. No war mode on and im lvl 120. All i need is this pet and i got this acheivment!!!
Just a confirmation. May 18, 2019, patch 8.1.5.
Since someone asked on the Discord, I went with a level 120 into the Master's Chamber beside Kara. I was definitely in "Legion Phase" - all mobs appeared 110 to me.
At 05:30 server time I found 2 Restless Shadelings there.
What conditions need to be met before this spawns? It's 5:05 am local 2:05 am server time. There are NO critters anywhere. I was first here with my 112 DK (I've not started Leagon nor am I in War Mode) about 30 min ago and I'm here now on my 90 Hunter, also not in war mode. Again there are NO spawns anywhere, not above or below ground. Are there specific conditions for these and the Arcane Eye to spawn or be visible? This is the 2nd or 3rd time I've been here without seeing any.
I have been in the location since 12:05, it is 12:20 server time... only arcane eyes :(
yes, they are still tameable. But they didn't appear until after midnight server time, *not* your local time!
I can confirm that these are still available in game under BfA. I logged on this morning at 1201 server time and there were at least 15 that had spawned at the Masters Cellar. First one I battled was a uncommon H/S and defeated him. Second one was a rare H/H and got that also. It was the last pet I needed for the Eastern Kingdoms Safari and World Safari.
I'm fairly certain that these don't spawn anymore. I have an alt stationed at the Master's Cellar and I check very often at various times in the early morning. I haven't seen any since BfA.