Lucy's Lost Collar
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Yawns, sits, and lies down.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 9.0.2 | Posted: October 13, 2020
Dirty Glinting Object has a chance to spawn during the daily Calling that requires completing 3 WQs in a Shadowlands zone with a trainee NPC. Note that the summoned Trainee is random each Training Calling, and only one specific named Trainee from each Covenant can find the Dirty Glinting Objects.
- Drippy (Venthyr)
- Twinklewings (Night Fae)
- Deos (Kyrian)
- Dregs (Necrolord)
Level 0:

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

There's a timeout on how often your trainee will dig up something. There is a 5 minute cooldown and then you must kill a non-critter (i.e. something with decent HP). So farming tons of mobs won't make your trainee go any faster. You just have to kill one thing every 5 minutes.
Not getting Lucy? You are not alone... I have almost 18 hours invested & 110-120 glinting farts looted and no pet.
Necrolords is Dregs
Hubby and I within 10 minutes of each other got Lucy as a drop from the bats near the Grove of Terror/night market (Revendreth).. we had each killed over 300 bats trying to get the crimson dreadwing pup. So happy to have gotten her, but she came from regular loot. Just in case anyone else is looking for her. Maybe it was a glitch?
You can obtain this pet during various daily Shadowlands covenant "Training" quests (where you take a trainee out to help you with 3 zone dailies) but only when specific NPCs (which you don't get to choose) are your trainee. The NPCs are: Drippy for Venthyr, Deos for Kyrian, Twinklewings for Night Fae, and Dregs for Necrolord. Every 5 minutes, right after combat (and only after combat) the trainee will dig up a lootable Dirty Glinting Object and say something in chat (Drippy says, "Dredged up somethin' interesting over here, boss.").
The chance of getting this pet from one of the objects is small - you can see the large range of other loot items in the comments at the Wowhead link above. But if you don't hand in the quest you can keep killing random NPCs in the zone for the rest of the day till you get one.
Word of warning: have room in your bags before you loot the object. I found that it despawns as soon as the loot window closes, whether or not you got the loot.
Hi collectors,
I dont know if this willl help but, i got Lucy after looting(NOT)general looting but looting the sparkling loots on the ground after killing mobs in Darkhaven for a WQ. I got Lucy's Lost Collar. She Green and lvl 1. Worth a boost to blue lvl 25 i think.
Cute skinny spectral looking cat, but cute too. :)
Happy hunting guys/gals, and everyone inbetween.