Ghost Maggot

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.2.2 | Posted: September 1, 2015
This wild pet can only be spawned using an item purchased during Hallow's End.
Creepy Crawlers (purchased for 5 Spooky Supplies) is similar to the Rodent Crate used to summon the Sumprush Rodent.
Using Creepy Crawlers will spawn Ghastly Rats, Ghost Maggots, and Spectral Spinners that you can capture in your garrison. These wild pets remain spawned throughout the in-game event and persist through zoning and logging out.
Players can visit another player's garrison to capture these pets.
Creepy Crawlers (purchased for 5 Spooky Supplies) is similar to the Rodent Crate used to summon the Sumprush Rodent.
Using Creepy Crawlers will spawn Ghastly Rats, Ghost Maggots, and Spectral Spinners that you can capture in your garrison. These wild pets remain spawned throughout the in-game event and persist through zoning and logging out.
Players can visit another player's garrison to capture these pets.
Level 0:

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Op pet easily a top tier it can survive by plagued blood and absorb spam and when it's about to die it can either use survival before going into your undead turn or during your undead turn to completely cancel out the "1 round until death" and just not die so you can switch him into the back and hauntling song him back up so when you switch in he will absorb spam then survival AGAIN not to mention that he usually gets off his survival because he is fast in the ss bree
The Ghastly Rat, Ghost Maggot and Spectral Spinner will remain in your Garrison even after Hallow's End has ended. You speak with Izzy Hollyfizzle to take down the decorations. However, I've left mine up, at least for now, and should you be the type to hunt these out of season, contact me and we'll group to get you a garrison invite.
Ran into an odd issue battling a few of these earlier. Survival was used during the 1 free round after death, and at the end of that round they did not die. They continued to fight for at least two rounds after that (until killed again).
I want to echo what Cubcho has to say. If you use survival on your turn before you die, you will not die on that turn. Nor will you die on the following turn unless you get killed by an attack that does damage.
Also, if you die, your racial passive kicks in and you will come back to life. If survival is active when this happens, you will not die at the end of that round, you keep living, until you are attacked with an active damage manuver.
This can be disturbing to an opponent.
Rarity no longer matters very much as you can upgrade any pet to rare status with a flawless battlestone sold by the NPC at the menagerie (15 pet charms, overall rather cheap). All that matters now is the breed you want.
i don't know of any other undead pet who has survival, but you should note that if u use survival after your undead pet dies and comes back to life, he won't die and will keep 1 health, which means he can activate his undead traid a second time if he dies. you may also be able to heal using his plagued blood and absorb abilities, though they are pretty minimal heals.
in any case it means more turns for this pet!
Remember peeps, you don't need to fight em. Check to see what it is and forfeit if it isnt a Rare. Check the ones around the area, if there are none you want, kill em and let em respawn. Literally less than a second on respawn and go at it again.
Like the other two new pets, I captured an uncommon first and then all the others were poor. However, since you are going to use a stone to make them rare anyway it doesn't matter.
All three respawn really quickly so it doesn't take long to find the breed/s you want to keep and make rare.
For now i found 1 uncommon and 2 rares:
Ghost Maggot - 23 - 1204  246  246  P/S
Ghost Maggot - 23 - 1371  254  254  B/B
Ghost Maggot - 23 - 1356  266  251  P/B
Survival + Damned. And additionally Stench. This is madness…
I'm guessing this will come from the item sold by Izzy Hollyfizzle in your garrison, possibly in a similar manner to the Rodent Crate for the Sumprush Rodent.