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Spectral Beings: WoW Battle Pets

Pets by Family Undead Spectral Beings
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Arfus [Arfus]

World Event: Hallow's End

Drop: Headless Horseman [??+]

Zone: Scarlet Monastery

Drop Rate: Unknown

Burdened Soul [Soullocked Sinstone]

Drop: Secret Treasure

Zone: Revendreth [50-60]

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Cursed Birman [Cursed Birman]

World Event: Hallow's End

Vendor: Woim

Zone: Tirisfal Glades

Cost: 150Tricky Treat (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Pippi

Zone: Stormwind City

Cost: 150Tricky Treat (unlimited supply)

Drowned Hatchling [Drowned Hatchling]

Vendor: Feylana the Handler

Zone: Nazjatar

Cost: 40Prismatic Manapearl (unlimited supply)

Frostwolf Ghostpup [Frostwolf Ghostpup]

Profession: Draenor Archaeology - Draenor Clans

Artifact: [Frostwolf Ghostpup]

Ghastly Kid [Spectral Bell]

Quest: Mastering the Menagerie [1]

Zone: Lunarfall, Frostwall


Drop: Big Bag of Pet Supplies

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 50

Ghastly Rat

Pet Battle: [23-25] Frostwall; [23-25] Lunarfall

World Event: Hallow's End

Ghost Maggot

Pet Battle: [23-25] Frostwall; [23-25] Lunarfall

World Event: Hallow's End

Ghostly Whelpling [Ghostly Whelpling]

Scenario: Island Expeditions

Approximate Scenario Rate: Unknown

Lost of Lordaeron

Pet Battle: [1-2] Undercity; [1-2] Tirisfal Glades

Lost Soul

Pet Battle: [25] Revendreth

Lucy [Lucy's Lost Collar]

Drop: Dirty Glinting Object

Zone: Ardenweald, Bastion, Maldraxxus, Revendreth

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Restless Shadeling

Pet Battle: [17-18] Deadwind Pass

Time: Early Morning

Risen Saber Kitten [Risen Saber Kitten]

Drop: Darkshade [10-45]

Zone: Val'sharah

Drop Rate: 1 in 1

Smoochums [Smoochums' Bloody Heart]

Vendor: Nigel Rifthold

Zone: Drustvar

Cost: 200Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Soulbroken Whelpling [Skull of a Frozen Whelp]

Drop: Sindragosa [??+]

Zone: Icecrown Citadel

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Spectral Raven

Pet Battle: [25] Nazmir

Spectral Spinner

Pet Battle: [23-25] Frostwall; [23-25] Lunarfall

World Event: Hallow's End

Spirit Crab

Pet Battle: [3-6] Ghostlands

The Quackcestor

Pet Battle: [25] Ohn'ahran Plains

Faction: Maruuk Centaur (Renown 7)

Tiny Apparition

Pet Battle: [25] Stormheim

Torghast Lurker [Torghast Lurker]

Zone: Torghast

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Wicked Soul [Call of the Frozen Blade]

Drop: The Lich King [??+]

Zone: Icecrown Citadel

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Widget the Departed [Widget the Departed]

World Event: Hallow's End

Vendor: Woim

Zone: Tirisfal Glades

Cost: 150Tricky Treat (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Pippi

Zone: Stormwind City

Cost: 150Tricky Treat (unlimited supply)

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