Ghostly Skull

Ghostly Skull
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Hovers about with chattering teeth.
» Video
Vocalizations (on-click)
Wrath of the Lich King expansion required.
3 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.0.2 | Posted: November 12, 2008

Ghostly Skull
Item Level 70
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss your ghostly skull.
Sell Price: 10
Darahir may be found in the northeastern-most room of the Dalaran Underbelly (sewers). To find him more quickly, set your tracking for 'Reagents'.
Level 0:

as of patch 8.25 2019
3. Go down into the Underbelly to 63,16
4. 40g and your Ghostly Skull
This might be a stupid question, but is this only a Horde Npc vendor for this pet?
Mine is named Murray too, and if you get the reference you're rad.
Great pet for Celestial Tournament, only need a stone to upgrade to rare quality and u have a strong soldier!
Stupid question, does the unholy ascension buff get capped if the total damage would be over the opponents damage cap, ie magic racial or legendary. I'm thinking it's the same as howl with ion cannon.
Comes in three different breeds H/H(for 1800 health) or H/P(for 305 power) seems most useful. I love to surprise "darkness" birds with Spectral Strike which is strong vs Flying and gets increased hit chance in darkness. With high health it can often take out one opposing pet and top it off with an Unholy Ascension. Other tactics is to go with Death Coil and Siphon Life to keep going longer. Ghostly Bite, even with self stun, hits insanely hard.
This is a awesome starting pet....
Get the h/p breed and make it rare. These guys are cheap but one of the most effective pets. This is one of my favorite undeads
I have named mine Yorick since he was "a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy"
Some how I have a B/B.
Final stats:
Health - 1450
Power - 270
Speed - 225
Is that better than any of the standard 3?
They are cheap, uncommon quality when purchased, and come in three possible breeds (H/B, H/P, H/H). Make sure you have the breed you want before using a stone.
If you get caught with many Flawless Undead Battle-stones after your undead pets are all Rare. Purchase these skulls at Dalaran, convert them to Rare and sell them on AH. I sold six for 250 gold or there abouts. You may be able to get more.
Always uncommon at purchase; you'll have to upgrade to rare. But don't just take the first one you get! There are three possible breeds: none offer much speed, so I recommend power build (breed 7): At level 1 uncommon it will have H=156, P=11 & S=8. At level 25 rare - H=1627, P=305 & S=227. Set up for Siphon / Death Coil, this makes him really hard to kill. Uh... re-kill. Defeat? You get the idea.
Pair him with a Nordrassil wisp and spirit of summer to make a disembodied head team.
I should imagine people use stones to make them rare.
I bought a bunch of these guys, but none of them were rares, only uncommons. After reading some other comments, I think its safe to assume that for a rare, you have to upgrade it yourself.
is this pet always uncommon when you buy him? Or can you buy him as a rare? After battling this guy below dalaran I'm pretty sure i want him on an undead team.
Almost every Ghostly Skull I come across is named something similar to "Mort".
Also, even in 5.1, this guy is still excellent. I have battled teams which use Call Darkness and then the Skull in order to get off both Spectral Strike and Ghostly Bite. I guess the counter is use another weather move.
I called him Morte. I like to think he spits out insults along with his Death Coil.
NOw that we can name our little friends I have named the skull Bob in honor of the Dresden Files.