
Frosty's Collar
Binds to Warband
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds to Warband
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about and spins around.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
Wrath of the Lich King Collector's Edition required.
1 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.0.3 | Posted: October 24, 2008
Promotion: Wrath of the Lich King Collector's Edition

Frosty's Collar
Item Level 20
Binds to account
Use: Teaches you how to summon Frosty!
Right Click to summon and dismiss Frosty the frost wyrm whelp.
This pet is a free gift for purchasing the Wrath of the Lich King Collector's Edition. This edition will be sold in stores (in limited quantity) and it will also be found on auction websites the week of November 13, 2008. While this is a rare pet, it's not quite as rare as the original Collector's Edition pets.
Level 0:

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I HAD it in my collection and now it's gone. UPDATE. It's in my list here, so I've HAD it at one point but Blizz says I didn't/
Can confirm that the CE codes still work, if you can find one!
I just got the WOTLK CE for a bday present. I love this pet! I hardly see anyone with it anymore and it looks awesome. Dont know if its great in battles but its fun. Didn't take long to get my 10 pvp wins for the week.
Question -the ce's, is that the game boxes sold retail? I joined online and have nothing you would call hardware I guess in regard to the game. Thanks.
I love this little guy but levelling him up is a pain when you have a full whelping team. He's weak against critters so he tends to fall behind his Lil'Deathwing and Crimson Whelping companions. But he does have my favourite design of any of the CE edtions. Really glad I preordered it at the time. I'd reccomend ebay for those who are still searching, you might get lucky.
so basically I cannot get this guy? :(
I don't have it but often face one while PvP'ing. This opponent usually goes with Ice Tomb, Call Blizzard and Frost Breath(sometimes Diseased Bite). The 1800 health can be a bit daunting to handle, and coupled with the huge damage and Stun from Ice Tomb can really spell trouble. Often my opponent does Ice Tomb and then switch to some kind of Stampede pet for double damage. This has forced me to often run with either a critter och at least someone with evade. Just watch your mechancials.
I wish he was still the size of a gnome.
I love the Ice Tomb ability. I've won MANY battles with it.
Having worked at Best Buy, I started a tradition/ obsession of buying all the CE's from Blizzard for the WoW pets that came with them. I don't/will never have the classic WoW CE pets, but I have all of the rest so far. This guy followed many toons throughout Northrend.
I've found his Blistering Cold can be stacked with Exposed Wounds (or presumably Wild Magic) for massive damage. Of course, the ease of removing it by pet swap makes it less than stellar. You can take someone by surprise with it, but not worth making a strategy around.
Would someone plz help me understand the use of the ability Blistering Cold? It seems pretty useless for the tiny amount of dmg it does. I noticed it is a Frosty only ability so it should be a special ability... worst "special" ability I've ever seen.
Really wish I had bought the special edition to get this pet. :( Truly one of the cutest and best looking whelps out there.