Captain Nibs

Captain Nibs
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Looks around and idles about.
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.0.1 | Posted: August 13, 2018
Players will need to access and complete Island Expeditions to collect this pet. The pet is not a guaranteed reward, and players may need to complete Island Expedition scenarios multiple times.
Level 0:

1-7 of 7
1-7 of 7

I got one as a treasure map reward, after completing my expeditions for the week. Haven't tested him yet, but he got a few abilities that are strong against both critters and humanoids.
Great pet. Got from heroic island expidition. I've received two of these, but gave one to the wife. I consider him my undead iron starlette. One of the better undead pets and underrated as of today.
This pet is the answer to undead vs critter. He could probably kill a rabbit under the right circumstances. Rabbits love to kill undead using dodge, burrow, and sratch/flurry. The problem is speed. You would need to pair him with a fox or someone that could dazzling dance in order to out speed the rabbit.
Got this guy last night on normal island expedition. Pretty sure one of the pirate ship bosses it what put this on my loot table for the run. The invasion rares seem to have better drop rates than other rares.
This guide keeps getting updated as people test out what mobs have what loot tables. Check it out if you're struggling.
I got him from a regular Island Expedition. I just think like the others, he's a random reward at the end.
I'm looking up all these new Island Expedition pets on wowhead, and no one is saying much about where they come from. For the Bloodstone Tunneler, one guy wrote (on Wowhead) that it was "rewarded from" a normal difficulty expedition. A comment on this site said much the same thing, so I guess you get it in the bag of loot at the end. Wowhead does call them "drops", but I suppose that could refer to the loot bag.
I’ve run a great deal of island Expeditions and I haven’t seen this drop. None of my friends have it nor guild mates. Has anyone? Feeling like his bones gave up the ghost