
Fragment of Frozen Bone
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about. Occasionally spins around the player while yelling "BONE STORM!"
Vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.1.0 | Posted: October 25, 2016
Collecting this pet is one of the requirements for the achievement Raiding with Leashes IV: Wrath of the Lick King, which rewards a quest to battle Algalon. Defeating him rewards Stardust!
Level 0:

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World Quest pet fight vs Chomp:
A ton of trainers have issues with Chomp because he fully heals if he kills with one of his main attacks. Undead negate this effect. So....
1) Start with Boneshard and cast Blistering Cold. Spam chop. Cast blistering cold again before he dies.
2) Enter Unborn Valkyre and cast Curse of Doom, then Haunt. Chomp should be dead BUT...
3) If Chomp lives, tag in Ikky and Black Claw -> Flock to finish him off.
This pet is underrated. Blistering cold adds a ton of dot hits as it progresses, which combos well with one of the "increases damage for all attacks by xx" abiities for massive DOT. Open with blistering cold, followed by the bleed, switch it out for your favorite "+xx damage to all attacks" ability, then swap out for a tanky pet to survive a few rounds.
Umm.... Is the BONESTORM thing supposed to be a joke?
This is a fun pet, it looks cool and his voice is hilarious.
I'm not entirely sure if it is also a good battle pet, but i like his abilities, especially the annoying Blistering Cold, it makes me want to combine it with other pets that have these kind of abilities, to make it somekind of a torture team haha.
Not essential as a battle pet, but very essential to have in your collection i'd say.
I prefer using just the one bonestorm with Blistering cold and ice spike in the 2 and 3 slots. That can be devestating if you follow him in with a pet with Call Lightning. I'm currently trying teaming him with a PS Cerulian Moth and a Clockwork Gnome and he works very well.
IMO one of the coolest looking pets in the game. And it's so adorable when he spins around yelling "BONE STORM!" He's quickly becoming my favorite. <3
I got this on my third run through, so those of you who didn't get it the first time, don't despair. The whole "BONESHARD!" thing is just hilarious. Love it.
Love this pet, he's hilarious! And the drop rate must be fairly high as I got him first try as well.
This has become my favorite pet to have summoned while partying with people.
He spins and yells "BONE STORM" in a high pitched voice. It is absolutely hilarious!
Ok, so this pet(actually 2 of these pets) are OP if you combine it with Mr. Wiggles ability Uncanny Luck. You can Ice spike the enemies with damage ranging from 562 to 888 for 4 rounds. Then swap back to Mr W and rinse and repeat. I used to use this combo with Haymaker until they nerfed it.
I love his little voice :D so darn cute :D
He is simply my all favorit pet now, cant even compeed with my rabbit that was the very first vanity pet we could get and that my husband gave me to my birthday
Dropped on 1st try - 10 man Normal.
Dropped on 2nd run on 10 man normal.
Just bought one today for cheap 1k and it looks gorgeous, new favorite Follower for undead chars found.
Not a big pet collector but damn.. got this lil guy today and I love him. Now I'm running around tanking mythic + while Boneshard is spinning around yelling: "BONE STORM!" I love him.
Same here. Firts try - drop. Thank you :) Sweet little thing.
i got mine off 25H, but i read it can drop off any
Does this drop in 10 man or 25 man ? Heroic matter?
I did the raid 3 times, Boneshard didn't drop at all.
Just got him on my first try. Is so cute when he yells out BONESTORM! and spins around for his idle animation. And his 10, 15, and 20 skills are all BONESTORM! Amazing pet!
Others asked, I did this on 10 man normal mode and had it drop.
God I love this pet, got it first time