Bone Serpent

Bone Serpent
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Flaps about.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.2 | Posted: February 6, 2015
Erris the Collector (A) or Kura Thunderhoof (H) occasionally appears near the garrison Menagerie. This "traveling trainer" does not show up every day, and her appearance varies from character to character.
She has five possible pet teams. The daily quest offered is account-wide, and you cannot battle her again once you've completed the quest.
The reward a bag has a chance to drop one of three pets.
She has five possible pet teams. The daily quest offered is account-wide, and you cannot battle her again once you've completed the quest.
The reward a bag has a chance to drop one of three pets.
Level 0:

1-14 of 14
1-14 of 14

I agree with Akenatoth: having this pet categorized under pet battles is incorrect/inconsistent. While it is obtained with battling pets, its still a drop and is available on the auction house to those that don't do pet battles. Being such myself at this time, it is easy to erroneously exclude it using the filters tool. Little mistakes occasionally happen. This site is awesome!
RIP Bone Serpent. You were amazing, but Blizz has officially RUINED you.
The fact that this is not in the top 20 battle pets shows that the system is a bit broken right now. At least during Legion, this is easily one of the current top 3, maybe even the best pvp pet in the game.
The speed(S/S) breed is one of the best PVP pets in the game. Major damage while outpacing most breeds.
'Bone Barrage' 'Call Darkness' 'Nocturnal Strike' works well with other Call Darkness/Nocturnal Strike pets(Crow,Rats,Nightshade Sproutling) in PVP.
Bone Serpent is fantastic in both PvE and PvP. I have the H/H, S/S, and P/S breeds, and all get used frequently. S/S is used mainly for PvP, but if sustained damage through Bone Barrage / Death and Decay is the primary roll being played, I prefer P/S for the extra damage. Sure, the speed loss can potentially be detrimental the first round, but the power lasts even when Bone Serpent is on the back row or dead.
Highly recommended pet!
The S/S breed is one of the fastest undead pets in game so far which is mainly focused on Human, Dragon, Aquatic strong attacks. (S/S Ghost Maggot, Widget the Departed, and Spectral Spinner 325 I think are the fastest).
Very nice battle pet. Bone Barrage hits hard, if you count all the numbers, pretty good. I found out, you can solo all 3 pets of Wiser Mari in the celesial tournament with this fella. I didnt even use the other pets. got myself a H/H breed.
so I have a p/s and an s/s of these and wondering which might be best. Of course I think speed is awesome..then again power. hhhmmmm!??!! I need to get rid of one!
I got an S/S drop the other day and leveled up to 25. Today I used my Bone Serpent over at Tarr the Terrible using Bone Barrage, Death and Decay and Nocturnal Strike. I was very impressed at how the Bone Serpant easily took out one humanoid and got the second down to 43HP before dying. I will admit there was some RNG luck involved with the Nocturnal Strike, probably should have used Call Darkness instead of Death and Decay. But I am impressed with the skills of the Bone Serpant.
I picked up the H/H breed. I run him with Bone Barrage, Darkness, and Nocturnal Strike. Normal rotation is barrage, call darkness, barrage, nocturnal strike, barrage. That's five rounds of really heavy hits. If you're facing a darkness team, you can start with Nocturnal strike, meaning 6 rounds before CD freeze. He generally two-shots most aquatics, dragons, and humanoids, and three shots most other pets unless they have damage reduction. Even those pesky frogs and turtles don't counter him.
This pet is currently set with "Pet Battle" as source, which seems kinda wrong if compared to other pets dropped from bags like the Pandaren spirits.
I'm definitely adding this to my team to see how it goes. I run a call darkness fest, using my Dread hatchling, and widget the departed. This is just another one with a heal to add into it. Just sucks if I run into elemental pets. xD
I snagged an S/S on the AH for cheap. I've been running with Bone Barrage, Death and Decay, and Lift-Off. The glaring problem with this pet is how easily it gets locked out of moves. The only spammable ability it has is Death and Decay, and casting that over and over feels like a waste. Overall it's interesting but it doesn't fit my playstyle very well; I look forward to someone more experienced and creative than I to make use of this very speedy undead creature.
Got a P/S on the second battle... hits hard and interesting move set for an undead... not too durable but absorb will help a little. H/H looks a better proposition at this stage...