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Skeletal Companions: WoW Battle Pets

Pets by Family Undead Skeletal Companions
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Backbone [Backbone]

Sanctum Feature: Abomination Factory (tier 2)

Zone: Maldraxxus

Covenant: Necrolord

Abominable Stitching: [Backbone]

Cost: 750Reservoir Anima

Barnaby [Barnaby]

Scenario: Island Expeditions

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Bone Serpent [Bone Serpent]

Quest: Critters of Draenor [1]

Zone: Lunarfall, Frostwall


Drop: Traveler's Pet Supplies

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 25

Boneshard [Fragment of Frozen Bone]

Drop: Lord Marrowgar [??+]

Zone: Icecrown Citadel

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Captain Nibs [Captain Nibs]

Scenario: Island Expeditions

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Clinging Remains

Pet Battle: [25] The Maw


Pet Battle: [25] Maldraxxus

Detective Ray [Rattling Bones]

Drop: Conflagros [50+]

Zone: Darkshore Warfront

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Fossilized Hatchling [Fossilized Hatchling]

Profession: Archaeology - Fossil

Artifact: [Fossilized Hatchling]

Frosty [Frosty's Collar]

Promotion: Wrath of the Lich King Collector's Edition

Ghostly Skull [Ghostly Skull]

Vendor: Darahir

Zone: Dalaran (Northrend)

Cost: 40gold (unlimited supply)

Landro's Lichling [Landro's Lichling]

Trading Card Game: Worldbreaker

Oonar's Arm [Oonar's Arm]

Drop: Oonar's Arm

Zone: Maldraxxus

Drop Rate: 1 in 1

Rattlejaw [Shadowy Pile of Bones]

Drop: Nefarian [??+]

Zone: Blackwing Descent

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Returned Hatchling

Pet Battle: [25] Nazmir

Scraps [Scraps]

Drop: Curious Wyrmtongue Cache

Zone: Broken Shore [45]

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown


Drop: Spinebug

Zone: Maldraxxus [50-60]

Drop Rate: 1 in 1

Writhing Spine [Writhing Spine]

Drop: Scunner [62+]

Zone: Maldraxxus

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

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