Stitched Pup

Gluth's Bone
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about, occasionally emotes a roar.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.1.0 | Posted: November 27, 2012
Collecting this pet is one of the requirements for the achievement Raiding with Leashes.
Level 0:

1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

I got this pet a couple of days ago while doing solo warlock runs of Naxx, he's adorable even with all the blood dripping and was the last pet I needed for my Raiding with Leashes achievement. He has become my buddy!
one of my favorite battle pets, Plauged blood to start and howl on final round, paired with spiders and mechanicals = dead
Very good pet. Can either go human hunting or actually destoy it's own undead kin with Flurry. There are some very good PvP combinations with this pet with Howl and/or Plagued Blood, like turret/DoT/Haunt. Right now the most powerful and annoying use is to abuse Consume Corpse with Unborn Val'kyrs Haunt, and Howl. Still even without that combination the Stitched pup can hold its own and often leave the battle with a Howl gift for the upcominb pet.
Adding a recent update that this pet does still drop from Gluth. I haven't had time to level him yet but I have faced him in PVP. He does very well in regards to damage output.
Awwww. Poor oozy baby.
Was doing naxx with my mom, sister, and friend and this lil cutie dropped
Highest roller <3 :D
I've soloed Naxx to get all 3 pets with my warlock. For this pet, I had to do more damage than what he'd heal when consuming corpses. I used my void to tank and focused on doing as much damage as possible. Gotta blow him up fast.
Not pet talk, but drop talk. I did Naxx once with my friend, nothing dropped. Tried to solo this guy on my second run, just couldn't do it. Even as a Blood DK. :( I eventually got tired of the stalemate and just popped all my minions and hearthed. Ill go back to Duoing and kill this puppy until he drops our pet. :) So remember bring a battle buddy for this guy.
Got him on my first kill :D Told my hubby i got him and he thought the pup would be cute and then he saw him. lol
Duoed with my hubby, this pet dropped and I was excited. Then I brought him out and he's dripping blood. I put him away, and he'll probably stay away :(
I can finally order Gluth around!! He was my hunter's main nemesis in NAXX raids..."hunter kite those infinite number of adds" BLAH! :) The pet is awesome!
Just got mine MM Hunter, couldn't solo last boss tho :-(
So w/ 5.1 dropping, being lvl 90, raids being nerfed to be "soloable" and not needing groups to get in, I was super excited when I started. Then reality set in. I did Naxx, and as a priest couldnt solo Pathwerk so I had to get help just to get to Gluth, Spider was ok on 10m and Loatheb did on 25m for an achieve. So there are huge variances in difficulty, oh and 0-3 pets in here. For the day 0-4 w/ 2 bosses not being soloable. Ah, fun times pet farming...