Lil' Abom

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Idles and looks about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 9.1.0 | Posted: June 29, 2021
Players must gather 5 parts and combine them together to create Lil' Abom. There are multiple possible spawn points for the parts in and around Perdition Hold in The Maw.
Level 0:

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

So this little guy has scratch which is a critter type move, he also has rot which deals undead damage and TURNS THE ENEMY INTO AND UNDEAD for a few round s, critter movs deal more against undead enemies, plus he is tanky, so this guy deals big damage while being tanky.
I love how it gets its own little mount when you mount up =)
i just got the one with a big spike (not pictured here), ty for confiming this as i had already had the one photographed on display. i'm not sure if i'm allowed to upload a photo, i think i should be.
So far I have noticed two three slightly different models for this guy. One is as pictured on here and there is another that no big spike and has a few little ones sticking out the back of his neck
It appears you can build this pet daily. Any parts collected and no used will disappear from you bags on reset. I made 2 on the same toon now.
At least currently (6/30/21), it does not appear that aquiring this pet requires the Necrolord Assault to be active. I was able to loot all 5 part and assemble the pet today while the Night Fae assault was active, not the Necrolord assault.