
Idles about and occasionally sits down. Rarely stomps on the ground, creating a green, telegraphed area.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Responds to the emotes /cheer, /talk, /roar, and /dance.
Special promotion.
1 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.1.0 | Posted: February 6, 2015
Graves is a promotional pet from Blizzard's game Heroes of the Storm. To collect this pet, you must achieve player level 20 in Heroes.
Players will receive Graves in the mail from Breanni with the following message, "We found this little "thing" wandering around the Duskwood Cemetary, collecting skulls. Being the Harbinger of death and destruction that you are, we thought you'd be the perfect owner for this tiny macabre monstrosity!"
Players that obtain Graves earn the achievement Hero of the Storm.
Read more about this pet in our Pet of the Month!
Players will receive Graves in the mail from Breanni with the following message, "We found this little "thing" wandering around the Duskwood Cemetary, collecting skulls. Being the Harbinger of death and destruction that you are, we thought you'd be the perfect owner for this tiny macabre monstrosity!"
Players that obtain Graves earn the achievement Hero of the Storm.
Read more about this pet in our Pet of the Month!
Level 0:

Got Graves on 04-12-2024!
I logged into HotS and found out I must have already played it, but not since the achievement existed. I was level 32, and got Greaves added to my pet journal next login to wow.
I just got him today, I played almost all ai games in HotS with a couple with real people.
Got mine 12 March 2023 at player level 20. Definitely easiest to just level each character once or twice to get the 20 levels.
still available as of 19/11/2022
Still available 7th August 2022.
I tried finding this achievement on 2/22 but couldn't find it listed on WoW.
Can you still get Graves and the achievement?
Anyone know by chance?
Still works as of 3/21/21. The procrastinator that I am totally forgot about this for ??? years... Logged into Heroes and with the new leveling was level 25! Logged out and into WoW and Graves was waiting! YEAH!!!
Still available, 21 June 2020. A quite long and sometimes painful grind. If you use everytime a different hero it should be easier to level up, level 1 to 2 of every hero is a good boost.
Confirmed still able to get as of June 15 2020 and Patch 8.3
Got him! Your account level on HOTS goes up when your character goes up. It costs 100k XP to go up from level 1 to 2. Your best bet is to level up 20 heroes from level 1 to 2 = 20 matches. Matches lasted on average 15 minutes for me. I recommend going against AI with human team mates (not AI ones, gawd they are awful) and don't go near the PVP areas.
can confirm that he's still available (13/02/2020)
Still works as of 8.2 and Sept. 20, 2019. It doesn't announce in Heroes of the Storm that you got the pet, but the next time you login to WoW, you will have an unopened pet item.
As of 7/16/19 this is still working. The pet shows up as a gift in collections.
As others have said, HOTS account level is the sum of your hero levels. Pick a handful of heroes and level them 2-3 times.
Looks like this is still available. Just hit level 20 and exited game, started WOW and had a gift in my pet tab. :)
glad this still works as of 1/19/2019
I wanted to confirm i got this pet 8/27/18. The levels are easier to get for heros of the storm now just level a bunch of lowbie characters and each level for the characters is a player level. I had the lvl 20 cap in a couple days just some fyi for anyone else still looking to get this pet.
I just got this pet 12/11/17 so it's still obtainable. I was dreading the grind, At level 11 I figured out I could get a player level for each level 1 character I got to level two (about one game with stim pack) and knocked out the last 9 levels very quickly. Good Luck.
Can confirm with the new leveling system and free bundle its super quick and easy. I'd recommend using the free gems to buy a stim pack, then play 1 round with each of your new free bundle heroes, almost a guaranteed level per round win or lose, so you can get in and out in 20 rounds (average round is 20-30 min)
-Good Luck!
Got it today, and after the changes they made to the leveling system it's WAY easier. Just level champions a combined 20 levels. With the free 20 champ bundle that's 60 easy ai games or less.
This pet used to be very strong in WoD, because it could AoE teams down easily. However it got nerfed in legion.
The Grave Destruction has been switches with Consume Corpse, which allows you to only take 1 AoE ability instead of 2. Not as good anymore. Still hits hard against humanoids though!