Eye of the Legion

Eye of the Legion
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Hovers about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Trading Card Game promotion.
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
This pet is redeemed through the common 'Eye of the Legion' loot card from the World of Warcraft Timewalkers: War of the Anicents TCG expansion. The card may be scratched to reveal a code allowing access to this pet. The code may be redeemed at Blizzard's promotion retrieval page. The pet may be obtained in-game from Landro Longshot in Booty Bay.
Between May 16 and 30, 2024, players that linked their Twitch account to their Bnet account could earn this pet by watching WoW Twitch streams for at least 4 hours, making it temporarily available again.
Level 0:

1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

This is available from Twich.tv until 5/30/2024. Need to watch 2 hours of content and it's all yours!
Just picked this up on AH for 420g. I think someone forgot a zero. Thier loss is my gain!!
This is actually from Timewalkers : War of the Ancients. That's where I found him on Landro'a list.
best counter magical crawdad or fluflex feline or any aquatic or mechanic will do
Mediocre health for an Undead pet and not really much good in the ability department. First slot you pretty much need Shadow Slash since it is the only spammable attack. Eyeblast speed reduction does not give much benefit to this pet. Agony is nice, but be careful not to spam it, let it run out. Gravity, I never found this ability useful, second cast wont do damage(!). Soul Ward does have it's uses, and Rot can do some nice combinations. Still this is definetly one of the weakest undead pets.
Just saw one of these for the first time on AH for 10k. Decided to pull the trigger and buy it up. Now I have my All-Eye Squadron, with my Arcane Eye, and the Darkmoon Eye I finally won yesterday after doing the daily since September. Happy days...
I just bought him today in the AH for 8k :) already leved him up to lvl21 he will be 25 by tomorrow :)
I wanted to buy this through warcraft pets but it doesn't have the link to! :(
I would love to win this.
This pet isn't showing up on this site with a filter of "Source Trading Card Game". FYI.
bought a pack of cards hoping for a mount and got this guy
I got him as well, and I have to say even as low level as he is currently he is pretty awesome. Am attempting to put together a warlock themed team, Gregarious Grell , Eye of the Legion , and Minfernal .
Just got this little guy today. He makes hovering noises continuously, but its not loud so it doesn't get annoying.
For those pet battlers out there, this little guy has two inbuilt combos. One, he can use Agony, then soulward to protect himself while the enemy pet is taking damage, and with eyeblast he can slow an enemy pet so that his Soulward ability gets to go first....very useful for facing pets that use dig or soar! All in all, think this guy is gonna be my new favorite pet.