Infected Fawn

Idles about and eats grass.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Level 0:

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

Use Adrenaline Rush and Flurry just until you get low then drop Death and Decay and swap out for a pet with Plagued Blood or Touch of Animus to regen your life in the back line.
Adrenalin Rush nicely supporte Flurry, can make quick work of fellow Undeads in PvP. Consume corpse is also quite useful. Third slot is not that great. Not a true powerhouse but still potent if used correctly. Try to pair it with Dazzling Dance, then you can still use the heal. Desiesed Bite will make sure you can still hunt Humanoids, then you won't need the speed boost from Adrenalin Rush.
Don't know what it was about this pet, but of all the creatures in EPL this was impossible to find a rare of.
After days of constant searching I finally found one after a 4 hour straight search!
Cannibambi has consume corpse, creepy.
First of these I met was as an add to a Blighted Squirrel at the Battlefront in Silverpine Forest. It was also a rare. :D "Next! Moving on…"
I found these all over the Plaguewood area of Eastern Plaguelands. Â These and Infected Squirrels and Festering Maggots were everywhere in that area!Â
Love this pet, hated fighting it. The combination of Adrenaline Ruch then Flurry is amazing. The ressurect for one more round at the end can be a battle changer too.
I got mine from an actual spawn on Bloodmist Isle. I got it quite regularly during Ravager Hatchling fights as well after that in the same area. No rare as yet, just uncommon.
Mine was with a squirrel. :)Â
This one joined in when I battled a ravager hatchling on wyrmscar island.