
Zergling Leash
Binds to Warband
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds to Warband
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Silently roars and chomps its jaw.
Shuffling footsteps; vocalizations (on click)
Fights to the death with Grunty and Zeradar.
Original WoW Collector's Edition required.
1 allowed
Patch 1.11.1 | Posted: April 1, 2007
Promotion: World of Warcraft Collectors Edition

Zergling Leash
Item Level 20
Binds when picked up
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your zergling.
Zergling, Panda Cub and Mini Diablo are now all sent to each character created in a World of Warcraft Collector's Edition account. (Formerly, each character had to choose 1 of the 3 pets, but this was changed in patch 4.0.1). The C Eedition is no longer sold in stores, adding to this pet's rarity. The item that teaches this pet's summon spell may be mailed to other characters on the account.
When this pet is in close proximity to Grunty, the two will fight to the death.
Level 0:

1-9 of 9
1-9 of 9

Codes still work, if you buy one unopened US version on eBay >.< Instead of mailing them they just appear in your pet journal as gift boxes. (yes you get all three!) Open the boxes and get your pets! *Collect them ALL* lolz
What if there were TWO zerglings for the pet? It would be even BETTER than it is now!
To get those pets you need to buy the vanilla (original) wow collector's edition from 2004. There are some on ebay, but they're very expensive.
Ridiculously fast pet. Terrible attack power. His W abilities are garbage. Novelty to have but much like the Baneling coming out, worthless in terms of an actual team comp.
One idea is to get a pet that can use Lightning Storm so that the multiple attacks from the Zerling hit for more. But if they change the weather then nevermind. Too situational.
Really cool pet to have but terrible in combat.