Son of Animus

Son of Animus
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Occasionally extends arms and cracks knuckles.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.2.0 | Posted: March 5, 2013
This pet has a chance to drop in the LFR, Normal and Heroic versions of the Throne of Thunder raid.
As of Patch 5.4, players can now win this pet by using a bonus roll (Mogu Rune of Fate) after defeating Dark Animus.
As of Patch 5.4, players can now win this pet by using a bonus roll (Mogu Rune of Fate) after defeating Dark Animus.
Level 0:

Can't say enough good things about this pet. Tanky. Versatile. relatively quick. survivable. Just plain awesome and my goto pet whenever I have an open slot and am not sure what I'm going to be facing. I often sub this in for my Anub Idol when I start getting sick of Stoneskin and Deflection spamming.
I get so much mileage out of this guy while leveling carry pets out in the wild. His Animus heal just amazing and you just can't help but love his 'Ewww, a spider!' swatting animation. :p Paired up with the Axebeak Hatchling and its heal, you can even deal with those annoyingly high speed Royal Moths fairly easily in Draenor.
I need to leave a comment for this pet because he's awesome. If you are lucky enough to have one drop, level him, you wont regret it. He will level quickly too because once he gets to lvl 20 he can easily solo 3 wild pets.
I dont have a ton of pets, and this guy has helped me with some really tough battles. His healing ability and shield ability should be used ALWAYS, and his batter ability hits like a truck, even if its not strong dmg. He's awesome! 5 Stars!
His durability can't be denied. It's nice that he attacks while he heals, although this can occasionally backfire if the opponent shields.
I looted this little guy 4 times and always sold it, made good money, because it always sells well. However, I recently became interested in Pet Battles and saved the last one to use and have him right alongside my Anibusath Idol. Son of Animus is so durable and I was very pleased. Definately a Battle Pet you should hold onto.
This little guy is simply amazing. When I girst learned about him I didn't really care too much for him, and I can't recall what exactly got me to buy one off the AH. Probably just my collecting habit. But OH MAN, what a great pet he is. So great for leveling, especially if you are tired of using the Glinean Raven combo(it's a good strat, but gets old). His fist attack is amazing, and armor plating and the healing attack are the way to go. A must for Celestial.
Like others have said, this is an extremely useful and strong pet. I got mine at an incredibly low price, compared to what others seem to have paid for theirs. If you get the chance, SNAG IT IMMEDIATLY!
This lil' guy can, with a little luck, solo beasts way above its own level once you've got the three first attacks. Very, very durable, Touch of Animus heals it for as much as it hits your enemy (A GODSEND on a high level Beast fight, for example the Celestial Pet Battle tourny).
I ran Animus on 5 of my toon with bonus roll for a mounth, no drop, Then i lost it so i went to the AH on a very reputable Horde server and snagged it for just a little under 5k. All i can say is This thing is Beast in pvp , paired with the right team. Oh and there a plenty left, good luck Hehe.
You never know how cool this pet is up until you possess it.
One of the most useful mechanicals out there, extremely powerful and durable.
Metal Fist, Siphon Anima and Extra Plating is the goto ability set, as he is fairly slow with 260 speed and cant really make that well use out of his alt set.
Using extra plating, followed by touch of the animus, and then batter, I can usually keep him at almost full health with this rotation. When using batter, he gets healed for each hit, 1-2 for normal or up to 3 times if he's faster than the enemy. A must have. I traded 4 other rare pets rather than paying 25k on the AH for one. Leveled him to 25 as soon as I got him, he's awesome.
This is in my top 3 favs. And i have quite a bit of pets so that says alot....definitly worth the effort or gold to get a son of animus youll have tons of fun!
Son of Animus, is a MUST for your collection, not only is he super cool, but hes strong against beasts and one of the very few mechanicals that heals on demand, and not with athree round CD or penalty. Not to mention the extra plating, hes just amazing!
Snagged this guy last night during my second encounter with Dark Animus in LFR. Great surprise drop of a very good looking pet.
Strong attacks, however Jolt can be hard to land first due to lower speed (but follows great if another pet can slow the enemy prior). Self heals are welcome survivability, and come in a single hit, or double dip flavor.
bought on kazzak for 5k winwin
One just dropped for me in LFR. And rare quality too! Yipee!
this little guy dropped in LFR in addition to the bag of gold that always drops when you kill a LFR boss. i use a token and got more gold. its nice to know that it drops WITH any other loot you may get. so its not either or.
I got this on my first time killing him in LFR. At the time I didn't even know it existed. (LUCK!) I generally wind up buying them on the AH, lol. I can say he hits HARD (plus has an ability that heals him for damage done) and makes a great battle pet. Mines up to 15 now.
I also got mine in an LFR yesterday and it's worth leveling. I've gotten mine to 10 and he has yet to die, even when I'm leveling him with 22s. (I've tried this method with other low level pets and they get one shotted about half the time). The heal is nice and he looks quite cool and with a pet biscuit is taller than my belf, HA. The AH on my server had one at 150k gold BO but that will go down as more people do LFRs I'm sure. When the Sandling came out it was the same, now they're around 11k average BO.
Good luck, collectors! :D