
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Engineering required.
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.4.0 | Posted: September 10, 2013
The schematic is a world drop from Pandaria, and will teach 5 different engineering recipes, including the pets Pierre and Rascal-Bot. Learning the schematic will also teach Jard's Peculiar Energy Source, a material required to craft both pets.
Players do not have to be level 90 to acquire the schematic.
Players do not have to be level 90 to acquire the schematic.
Level 0:

1-18 of 18
1-18 of 18

If you want to craft this on your own using smelting and alchemy (Riddle of Steel and Transmute: Trillium Bar) you would need a total of:
1,200 Ghost Iron Ore
450 Motes of Mana
It will take 15 days, since the Peculiar Energy Source has a 1 day cooldown.
Recommend crafting a pair of Mist Piercing Goggles to help with GhostIron Farm. While farming Motes, you do have a chance to get Gahz'rooki to drop in Top left N. Barrens off Kor'kron mobs.
Plot twist works like Flurry, in that it can get through shields and bubbles. The difference is that flurry requires speed to get the second or third hit. Plot twist will be a 3 action ability every time and it is good against critters. Lense flare is a better ability imo than the stun because of the very low CD. Reboot takes too long... you basically have to start it after one hit and hope they done crit too much.
The Rascal-Bot model can /dance when using the magic pet mirror.
Don't mistake Phaser for Laser. Phaser will miss, but it also hits much harder(crits on fliers are over 800). Plot Twist is a 3 hit move so takes care of bubble/decoy, also hits through DAH Blind. Amber prison is very useful, especially if you got the faster breed. Last slot is a bit of coin toss. Either get a nice revenge, especially if there are three enemy pets, or be sure to use Reboot early enough not to die during it. Lens Flare can also be useful, 50% miss is annoying. Good mechanic.
Bought this little guy today. Did a Battle with one of these guys on the opponent side. Just had to have one.
Made this little guy today, and a friend promptly put a pet biscuit on him. That's when we noticed he has a blue Slushie on his back! What an adorable little guy he is!
It's worth noting that while warcraftpets' page on this pet says it's exclusive to Engineers, this is actually no longer the case.
In fact, Rascal Bot is can be caged/traded/sold on Ah, etc--thanks to a hotfix.
Love the "Fringe", "LOST" and "Star Trek" refrences.. BAD ROBOT!!!
Damn now I'm missing Walter again. :(
Got this one like a week ago or so, and the phaser ability annoyed me to my very core. I filed a bug report and posted it on the EU foruns, and they fixed it the next reset. For those who haven´t tried it yet, now it says 2 round ability, but, its a one turn ability like it was supposed to! Excelent battle pet =P
So got this and Pierre today, they are not BoP and you can cage them, my BF made me each of them because he has 2 engs, I was so excited! Time to level them!
I was really excited to make this guy, as I love jj Abraham. I have to admit that he seems disappointing at 25. Phaser makes him lose a turn for 325 damage? I'm going to keep tryin
Just made him. Mine is an 11, for those looking for confirmation.
Best move ever Plot Twist love it and mine is breed 10 not sure about breed 11
Was saving to produce the mount... I caved and made Rascal-Bot. Any confirmation on the 2 different breed IDs listed here? Seems odd considering to have 2 when he is unique and non-cagable.
Finally crafted this guy today. Named him Jay Jay and he's awesome. Rare when learned, thank goodness, so no stones needed to upgrade like Lil Bling. Well worth the wait of 15 days. Also can confirm, he's BOP and non-cageable.
JJ Abrams 2 kids say "Bad Robot", 15 days to make, such an agonizing wait. Love all the references. Complete with Slusho on its back, Uhura orders a couple at the bar before the fight.
I got the schematics and not to make him mine. I will comfort him and let him know he's not that bad.