Mini Spider Tank

Mini Spider Tank
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
1 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.1.0 | Posted: December 11, 2018
This pet is rewarded upon completion of the more difficult version of the Gnomeregan Pet Battle Dungeon.
Players must first complete Gnomeregan's New Guardians. After completing this quest, the account-wide weekly Gnomeregan Challenge quest will be available.
The challenge version of the Pet Battle Dungeon requires at least 15 level 25 battle pets. Players cannot heal or revive their pets during challenge-mode, similar to the Celestial Tournament scenario.
Players must first complete Gnomeregan's New Guardians. After completing this quest, the account-wide weekly Gnomeregan Challenge quest will be available.
The challenge version of the Pet Battle Dungeon requires at least 15 level 25 battle pets. Players cannot heal or revive their pets during challenge-mode, similar to the Celestial Tournament scenario.
Level 0:

1-4 of 4
1-4 of 4

This is the only pet (so far) with Unstable Engineering. I have a problem with it because a 25% chance to miss your target completely (in my mind) is not worth 1.5 damage at a 75% chance. Maybe if you had curse of doom, howl, shattered defenses, whirlpool, launch rocket, or something strong in the works, it would be a deal changer. But on it's own, it seems like a poor gamble.
Sile9 makes some very good points about this pet as well.
Strong buff potential. Pop Unstable Engineering, Warning into something with a strong burst combo, and hope for three crits. While Warning Squawk offers the same crit chance without the accuracy debuff, it lasts one less round, has a cooldown, and requires a hard swap without feign.
While its speed is disappointing, particularly because it's forced to take a speed-based attack, its Cannon Shot hits the hardest out of the three cannon pets, and it can enjoy Extra Plating just the same.
Nice looking pet, sadly too slow for his kit, tough.
i cant wait to get this cool pet