Malfunctioning Microbot

Idles and looks about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.2.0 | Posted: June 25, 2019
Level 0:

1-5 of 5
1-5 of 5

The Malfunctioning Microbot has 3 different models. One model has a spray nozzle for a head and looks like the Spaybot 0D, another has two security sensor type eyes and looks like the Microbot 8D, and the third model has a rotating red light for a head and looks like the Microbot XD.
If you want a particular model you can forfiet the battle and start over. Each time you initiate the battle, the model can change so you can get the one you want. The breed will not change, but his abilities can.
I would have sworn I'd captured one each of the microbots, but when I brought them out to apply stones, they were all Spraybot. Do they change between appearances?
make sure it doesnt have expode on its action bar, if it does forfit till expolde is not there or you wont be able to tame it
I am having trouble capturing these guys before they explode. Anyone have some luck?
I've noticed in the pet journal that there's three separate pets with this same name but are listed here with different names.
There's this one, the Microbot XD, and what I assume is the Spraybot 0D