Lil' Smoky

Lil' Smoky
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Turns about and spews dark smoke.
» Video
Whirring (constant); pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 1.11.1 | Posted: April 1, 2007
Profession: Gnomish Engineering [205]
Taught By: [Schematic: Lil' Smoky]

Lil' Smoky
Item Level 41
Binds when picked up
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your robot.
Sell Price: 25
As of patch 3.3.3, this previously-BoP pet is now BoU, meaning you no longer need to be an engineer to obtain it. As of patch 3.1, the BoP schematic has roughly a 20% chance to drop from [27+]Arcane Nullifier X-21, [27+]Peacekeeper Security Suit and [28+]Crowd Pummeler 9-60 in Gnomeregan, enabling both gnomish and goblin engineers to obtain the schematic.
1-20 of 20
1-20 of 20

"...Flibbit, I can confirm that this pattern still drops. I got engineering pattern for Lil' smokey and the pet bombling in the same run tonight..."
Same here, did it two days ago, both dropped. My engineer has something to do again :P.
This little guy is secret op! He dominates most wq due to minefield,sticky bomb and the missles are great against beast pets.
I just had one drop for me from a Blingtron 6000. So no need to be an engineer to make one, you just hafta be lucky.
He used to smoke allot more and make more noise... but I guess Blizzard gave him Vapes so he will live longer :D
Flibbit, I can confirm that this pattern still drops. I got engineering pattern for Lil' smokey and the pet bombling in the same run tonight.
Talents3777, aquatic pets take only half damage from damage over time effects due to their racial passive.
Can't find any evidence that the schematic still drops. I see the drop rates in Wowhead like everyone else, but think it's just old numbers. One of the three mobs listed doesn't drop any loot at all anymore (ever) and many, many Gnomeregan runs on my engineer have yielded nothing. No comments I can find on any site within the past year about finding the schematic, and I don't even see it on the AH anymore.
If anyone can confirm it still drops, would love to know about it - while the pet is easy to come by, this is the only crafted pet I can't make, and I'd like to fix that =)
While leveling this pet with a couple Crows against aquatics I noticed what appears to be a bug. The spells Toxic Smoke and Sticky Grenade only do 50% damage.
Decent minefield mech. But Blue Clockwork Rocket Robot has same moves and better breeds, while Warbot is much stronger and has Extra Plating, and even Darkmoon Tonk with same stats has one up due to having Ion Cannon instead of the Rocket. Also 260 speed wont be very useful with Batter, just too slow. Sticky Grenade can be fun though since it does hit through dodge and other avoids. Ok pet, but there are better Minefield users out there.
Cute little guy, just got the schematic to make him for my engineer from Gnomer and can't wait to make him! I guess the highest possible quality outcome is uncommon? I'm seeing both common and uncommon on AH but no rare/blue.
Can't wait to pick up some new pets!
6 Copper Bars
Bring them to a jewelcrafter and have them make you
3 Delicate Copper Wires. Bring the wires to an engineer along with
2 Essences of Fire
2 Iron Bars
2 Mithril Bars
1 Gold Bar
1 Truesilver Bar
1 Core of Earth
This will result in 4 Fused Wirings left, use 1 for Pet Bombling.
He's a noisy little fella, summon him and Crashin' Thrashin' Robot, use Toy Train Set and Piccolo of the Flaming Fire and don't wait long for effect on other raiders...