Landro's Lil' XT

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Occasionally pounds the ground, throws a tantrum, and falls asleep. For other interactions, see below.
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
Destroys nearby Clockwork Rocket Bots, Darkmoon Zeppelin, and Toy Train Sets.
Loot code required.
This pet, the largest land-based companion to date, is redeemed through the common 'Landro's Lil' XT' loot card from the World of Warcraft Worldbreaker TCG expansion. The card may be scratched to reveal a code allowing access to this pet. The code may be redeemed at Blizzard's promotion retrieval page. The pet may be obtained in-game from Landro Longshot in Booty Bay.
Landro's Lil' XT will shoot and destroy any nearby rocket bots (without retaliation). It will also destroy the Darkmoon Zeppelin, any nearby Toy Train Sets and other toys.

I love this guy!
He's an absolute beast killer and a great one to PL low pets with.
Highly recommended!
And if I'm being honest, I bought him from a website and couldn't be happier.
MSG me if you want to know where. :)
I saw a few comments about buying on Ebay, where do you even look?
The only thing thats diffrent is the breeds they can be
Is this guy different in any way from Lil 'XT?
If you use the Magic Pet Mirror to turn into Landro's Lil' XT he has a dance animation when you use /dance. Extra big fun can be had if you use the World Shrinker toy before using the mirror!
One of the best pets to power level 2 other pets with at 25. Step each of the other 2 pets in for one round then cast broken heart and Tympanic and watch their lives just go away. P.s... it is best if you are fighting beasts. And if you want to make sure that you use this in a battle ground... use a pet first who casts Scorched Earth so Landro will take damage on his Broken heart.
Slower than many undead. Heartbroken can be really powerful with Boombot, but many have learned not to hit XT and therefore it can be quite pointless. Tympanic Tantrum is a decently powerful AoE attack when the opponent has three active pets. Outside that this guy just seems too slow to be able to go toe to toe with someone. Zap does decent damage but you are pretty bound to be last, taking hits before your retaliation. Extra Plating would have been better instead of Repair but not in flavour.
One of my favorites, I got him as one of a set of six loot cards from ebay at a reasonbly good price. He was my first pet leveled to 25 and has proven to be very good at battling many of the Pandarian Pet Tamers.
To redeem the code, go to slash loot. That is where you enter the card's code. You pick a realm and get the code to give to Landro at that pCheers hope that helps!
However there are currently no other colours for this model in the database (at least when viewed with Wowmodelviewer), so it doesn't look all that promising.