Clockwork Gnome

Clockwork Gnome
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
Archaeology required.
Cataclysm expansion required.
Cataclysm expansion required.
3 allowed
Patch 4.0.1 | Posted: December 7, 2010
This companion is a rare tier Dwarfish archaeology item. It is created by discovering and "solving" 100 Dwarf Archaeology Fragments. Players may utilize up to three Dwarf Rune Stone to aid in the solving of this item. Each Dwarf Rune Stone is the equivalent of 12 Dwarf Archaeology Fragments.
Once completed, an entry on the Clockwork Gnome can be found in players' archaeology tab: "Mechagnomes were created by the titans, apparently as servants and caretakers, much like the earthen. This mechagnome was likely damaged because it is no longer focused on its original tasks and seems content to follow you."
Read more about this pet in our Pet of the Month!
Level 0:

This was my second Dwarf artifact, was so stoked when I realised what it was!
Often a choice in any of my all mechanical teams and any battle where lots of little shots are more effective than big power ones.
Build Turret is one of my favourite mechanical moves, counters things like Bubble and Decoy with ease. Not a heavy hitter or great against pets with Shell Shield and the like but an awesome pet in the right situation.
This lil guys Build Turret is one of the best abilities against beasts in BofA. Open with that move and apply again on cool down. He does major damage and often solos the whole battle himself.
Great pet for Master Trainer battles. I named mine TickTock because he looks like the robot from Return to Oz.
this may have been asked and I'm sorry if I'm repeating, is the only way to get this through arch? and does it happen often or is it rare?
What does he say when he is killed?
I think it might be: "coups de grâce"
So far 1 of the best pets to have for "Legion"
Take him & a lvl pet
He does most of the damage swap over at end
I have yet to get one of these on my archeology, is there a substitute or another pet similar that can substitute?
Kalifar asks a good question:
Does anyone know why the Anubisath Idol blocks turret shots every time?
The reason is that the wording on turret ability which says "... dealing 124 damage each round ..." can be confusing. By "round" what is meant is all 3 shots of the turret, not each "shot" from the turret. INT(124/3)=41. Each shot does 41, crits do INT(INT(124/3)*1.5)=61. The Idol can use Sandstorm or Shield to subtract 74 points of damage per hit which means even your crits cannot penetrate.
The Clockwork Gnome model can /dance when using the magic pet mirror.
You can set up the rocket and launch it with another pet who has the same ability.
Very easy to level. Can't wait to use him in celestrial tounament.
This pet is great against Major Payne. Two hits with the rocket almost always kill Grizzle outright (if he survives with a few HP, any single hit will finish him), and this pet has enough HP to survive that long, since it has a speed advantage and goes first. I go with Railgun in the first slot, so he can take a shot or two at Payne's mech after Grizzle is down. I have never lost a battle to Payne leading off with this guy, and routinely use the fight to powerlevel Elementals and Aquatics.
@Khatee: You can get a second or even a third gnome; you just have to do the archaeology with a different character. While the pets are account-wide, your archaeology solves are completely individual. This will work with all the archaeology pets (voodoo figurine, pterrordax hatchling, etc)
Does anyone know if you can get him a second time through Archaeology? I've already got him but would love a second one... third... Thanks!
This guy was the first mech pet I got to 25 way back when. Lead off with Build Turret, and mix in Metal Fist while the turret is on cd. Does pretty good chip damage with a couple turrets up. Use Repair at around 50% health, and as long as your opponent doesn't have any big-hitting abilities, it will proc at least by the time your failsafe mechanism kicks in.
so im just sittin in IF commons and i see someone list a few pets, i whispered her inquiring how much for the clockwork gnome and she says 50g, my jaw dropped, i immediatly say SOLD...sometimes it pays to just sit around and watch trade...she even brought it to me...was my lucky day tho, i git a gilnean raven at the AH for 100g
@ Covetius: And if the gnome uses Launch Rocket instead? What then?
Just because its most unique move has a family of abilities that hard counter it does not make the pet as a whole useless. You're an idiot if you honestly think that it does.
This guy is GREAT against Bloodknight Antari's third pet, the dragon Netherbite. His second dodge, Soul Ward, is a pain, but the Gnome's turrets easily remove it and continue to do damage. I use Onyxian Whelpling's Tail Sweep through the first pet, until she dies sometime on the 2nd, then a leveling pet, then Clockwork Gnome to finish the battle.
My favorite mechanical. Love this pet, he is very strong. Most used for tamers.
Gotta be my most used mechanical pet. He's my goto guy for tamers and the celestial tournament. Although Lil Bling has also made quite the impression on me as well.