Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Turns about; launches rockets at other Rocket Bots.
Whirring (constant); vocalizations (on click)
Fights other Clockwork Rocket Bots to the death, and is destroyed by Lil' XT and Landro's Lil' XT.

Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot
Item Level 1
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss your wind-up Clockwork Rocket Bot.
Sell Price: 12 50
(unlimited supply)
The Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot will fire a volley of rockets at any other nearby Rocket Bot (including the 2007 Winter Veil Clockwork Rocket Bot), destroying it on impact. (Note that destroyed Rocket Bots may be resummoned by their owners.)
As of patch 4.1, this pet can also be purchased from Craggle Wobbletop (Stormwind City) and Blax Bottlerock (Orgrimmar).

This is my main support for doing both the Darkmoon dailies.
It stands out as an S/S breed with its 325 speed, those first attacks really take their toll on the Darkmoon Beasts.
It helps to have a Rocket ready and a Minefield laid out, fill the gaps with Missiles and you should be able to take down a few.
When buying one from AH, make sure to check that its speed is higher than its attack, to maximize its potential on the field it needs to be S/S.
I want to thank everyone for their comments on Blue CLockwork Rocket Bot. I did not realize that this shiny blue pet came in different breeds. This was my first pet ever and I love how devasting he is as a frontline pet when you are battling pets in the wild. I basically use this guy to whittle down beast pets and then capture what I need. Read Monticello, Illuminati,Aranyszin and Eekmeister for more info.Below.
The ninja version (S/S) has a speed of 325 and is my breed of choice.
I prefer Missle over Batter because it's a guaranteed 294, Batter might only
hit for 140 (for example, if you get a speed defbuf). I love Minefield for 560 but it's harder to use than Toxic Smoke. Sticky Gernade is fun but it takes 3 rounds. The placed rocket can be launched by your next pet that has Launch Rocket. Launch Rocket does 630 damage (unless vs elemental) but it takes a setup move.
My go to for beast teams.
Just found him in the new Legion Dalaran for 50g. Sold by Jepetto's Companion in The Wonderworks shop!
One of my favorite Bot's in appearance, comes from the most funny shop in Dalaran! :D
The S/S variety can be used to set a fast minefield, build a Rocket, swap to Lil Bling to get the extra damage debuff on the other pet then launch the Rocket with Bling. Yes, any pet with the Rocket ability can launch it after it is built.
This is a great pet for carrying other pets when levelling. Get him to 25 and use a stone to make him rare and he will carry any pets through normal pet battles. I drop minefield in first go so he damages the next pet in and if you can, drop it again when battling the 2nd pet.
He has good speed against other pets and his mechanical re-birth gives you another plus.
He can solo Ashlei in Shadowmoon, so you can use him with 2 level 1's and get a nice jump on levelling those pets.
Now available from the toy vendor in Stormwind.
This guy is fun to use Build, Launch, Rocket. You will be ahead at this point so finish him with another rocket if you need to.
Excellent pet if you're just getting into battling since he's easily obtained and incredibly useful. He lacks in health, so if you know you're about to get chewed up, throw a Sticky Grenade. I've rared my P/S and love that minefield will stick even if a pet is burrowed or in the air. He's not as strong as some of the other mech pets, but he has his uses. I use him against Jeremy Feasel and the Hozen trainer in Krasarang Wilds.
Available in a PS breed. He is great against the fabled beasts. I use build/launch rocket over his other move.
For you serious pet battlers out there, consider this: you can buy this pet and hunt out one of three breeds. Mechanicals are notoriously slow, so I would suggest finding one that starts with stats of H=148 / P=10 / S=12. At 25 rare, this will put him at 1400 / 260 / 325, which might grant you a few first strikes. This will certainly surprise most PvP'ers, who will expect a mechanical to be slow. Sadly, the speed comes at a price: no healing option for this guy. So make that first strike count!
Is there a way to get this in rare form? or are there some pets that can only be uncommon
But this is an awesome pet and a must-have if you missed out on the original one.