
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about and lies down; occasionally attempts to bore into the ground.
Whirring (constant); pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: October 14, 2014
This pet can be looted from a chest found at the back of a cave on the most sourthern part of the Orunai Coast in Talador (northewest of Tuurem).
The cave is protected by a series of moving lasers and stationary turrets that players will need to navigate through. Walking into the green circles that surround the turrets or into the green lasers will inflict a large amount of damage, while the turrets with red circles slow a player's movement by a significant amount.
Player abilities such as the Warrior ability Heroic Leap can help bypass much of the maze.
Players can loot this pet only once per character.
The cave is protected by a series of moving lasers and stationary turrets that players will need to navigate through. Walking into the green circles that surround the turrets or into the green lasers will inflict a large amount of damage, while the turrets with red circles slow a player's movement by a significant amount.
Player abilities such as the Warrior ability Heroic Leap can help bypass much of the maze.
Players can loot this pet only once per character.
Level 0:

1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

Meta bleed team member he has a good racial, a bleed, and if you are using other mechanical bleeders (Pierre) or mechanicals that benefit off bleed use rebuild and if you are just on a bleed team with no other mechanicals use clean up he replaced Pierre in mechanical bleed slot
you can still use him in pvp with taking screeching gear by weaving your moves correctly. most optimal would be
1st slot: screeching gears
2nd slot: supercharge
3rd slot: Cleanup or repair (either you prefer)
Very underrated imho
Not sure he counts as a beetle, I think that's just the way Apocalypse works. If the pet that cast it isn't alive and active when the timer runs out, it will just miss.
I really love this pet though - especially to accompany my gnome characters. It looks great, and has cute puppy-like idle animations. It must also be one of the very few pets that aren't reskins of another npc, and the only one I can think of that doesn't come from the Blizz store.
Interestingly, this pet seems to count as "beetle". In a pvp battle today, he was my last pet standing and got hit by Apocalypse. I thought ok, lost this one... but it missed. And I won. There was nothing up what could explain the miss, no weather, evade effect or anything (can Apocalypse be evaded at all? Not sure about that...). My only explanation is that this mechanical thing is a mechanical beetle, which it even looks like, a bit. Ah well. :)
Working away at leveling this pet, I love the vocalizations.
Screeching for 25% stun and clean-up to take out turrets and Mechanical P Dragon barriers is nice..
The Battle Pet BreedID addon has a bug that shows a P/P version of this pet. This is not backed up by any other source that I can find, and wowhead lists breed 8 as the only possible breed (P/S), so don't concern yourself too much with trying to find the nonexistent P/P. :P
Co ords: Inside the cave at the Treasure Box containing the Stonegrinder. 53.99 27.73. This may help!!
Battle Pet BreedID addon shows that there's P/S and P/P versions of Stonegrinder. But I've only ever seen P/S. Anyone seen the P/P version of it?
Got him! Didn't even know it was there, what an excellent surprise.
An uncommon pet lvl 1 speed 11, power 11, health 148.
Got this lil guy today. Ran the maze easily as a hunter. Took one hit but was fine. love the new mechanical!