Pocket Cannon

Pocket Cannon
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
3 allowed
Patch 7.2.5 | Posted: June 13, 2017
Players earn Old Bottle Caps by completing the account-wide weekly quest, Pet Battle Challenge: Deadmines.
Prerequisites for the challenge quest include:
1. Complete the Normal Deadmines Pet Battle Dungeon (The Deadmines Strike Back)
2. Have at least 15 max level pets
Prerequisites for the challenge quest include:
1. Complete the Normal Deadmines Pet Battle Dungeon (The Deadmines Strike Back)
2. Have at least 15 max level pets
Level 0:

1-3 of 3
1-3 of 3

Both of the first two movesets require a setup. First use loads the cannon. Second use fires the cannon. This pet would be more useful if you could use them in tandem, for example the way a Rocket Bot can use Launch Rocket. That way if your canon died and another one came in or got switched in place, it could take advantage of that second move, like a Clockwork Rocket Bot can do with Launch Rocket. If this were implemented, the Pocket Canon would be pretty good instead of mediocre.
Got this awesome new pet today! So excited to see how he does in battle!
Waited three weeks to cash in my 3 Old Bottle Caps for this beaut - totally worth! Showcasing an enlarged and blood-splattered cannon on the first day possible. Even the number one collector doesn't have this pet yet. It is da bomb. Ba-BOOM!!