Lil' War Machine

Lil' War Machine
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Reputation grinding required.
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.0.1 | Posted: August 13, 2018
Horde players can earn The Honorbound reputation by completing the Horde War Campaign, doing World Quests in Kul Tiras (unlocked at level 120), follower missions, and quests.
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The H/H is my favorite breed. I use either of the cannon moves depending on typing as well as shock and awe (I like stuns and dislike low hit chances but up to you), and finish with explode. Even on bosses it does 722 or something, some damage reduction stuff doesn't affect it. Hits hard and is pretty durable with over 1800 HP (and the mechanical revive thing is super nice with the self-destruct). Is it better than the Iron Starlette? Probably not but depends on situation. I like both options.
These guys really ought to fight with their Alliance counterparts. Missed opportunity.
It seems that you cannot use this horde pet with your alliance toon. Dissapointing, but no big deal I guess.
The issue is likely if you were battling on an Alliance toon? For some reason, I can't use mine in pet battles on my Alliance alt. No issues on my Horde one! I haven't gotten the rep for the Ally counterpart to see if the same thing happens in reverse.
Sort of a bummer, as I thought all pets were useable by all toons on your account, but I guess it's like the moonkin that came in Horde and Alliance versions.
can't level this pet. I can put it in a slot, see it there nicely. When I enter the battle (Ashlei in Shadowmoon valley) and look at "Switch pet" there are only 2 slots filled. Even changed slots where Lil' War Machine is in...
Any ideas?
Ended with updating it with an Ultimate Battlestone (or what they are called) ;-)
Okay, I've now leveled this guy to 25, and here are my impressions. Seems to be a tough pet. I know there's no stat for armor, but it seems he takes less damage then most. Hits like a tank, but is slow. Really have to watch it when you are battling pets with Dodge etc..
So I got this lil' guy after days of rep grinding with the honorbound,meanwhile getting 182 pet charms.I was able to get the last 12 from killing the 2 rares guaranteed to give you 10 Polished pet charms when you kill them.Looking forward to leveling this guy.I would have to say that I will go with Flame Shot,Shock and Awe and Extra Plating,basically making this guy a frontline pet.