
Model D1-BB-L3R
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Looks about. Occasionally hops around and performs a back flip.
Whirring (constant); pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.3.0 | Posted: August 29, 2017
Dibbler has a chance to drop from the reward bag awarded by Environeer Bert, a new trainer added in Patch 7.3, after defeating him and completing his quest.
This trainer can be found near the bottom of the elevator in Gnomeregan in Dun Morogh.
Bert has three level 25 epic quality Mechanical pets.
This trainer can be found near the bottom of the elevator in Gnomeregan in Dun Morogh.
Bert has three level 25 epic quality Mechanical pets.
Level 0:

1-22 of 22
1-22 of 22

Environeer Bert has been missing for a couple weeks now. I've done this pet battle daily for at least a couple years... so I'm concerned that he is missing. Anybody else having this problem?
I believe HP is the best breed. Speed is too slow to matter for any of the three breeds available. HP and HB have the same health at level 25 but HB has less power than HP.
At level 25:
HP has 1627 health, 297 power, 236 speed
HB has 1627 health, 281 power, 249 speed
BB has 1562 health, 284 power, 252 speed
Warcraft pets offers this information for each pet, by the way, on the Battle Info tab. It's a great site.
Works just like iron starlet but way cuter.
I've been doing the daily every day, skipping no more than three weeks.
A bit ago, I estimated the drop rate to be 1 in 5 and as so far it stays true. :)
read about the 2 sinister squashlings lvl 1 with a 3rd elemental/carry pet lvl 1, got the drop on 1st battle with this easy stragedy, only heard of this guy today and within 15 minutes got him, lol
Amazing Mech for PvP. Clamp both hits hard and Roots long enough to swap in something for a one-two punch combo. The short cooldown Drill Charge makes up for Dibbler's low speed allowing for a strong hit before a defensive/CC is cast as well as a strong finish.
Wind-Up works well in rotation with the above as part of a flurry of devasting attacks, though I prefer Toxic Smoke. Dibbler under Lightning Storm is an absolute wrecking ball.
In the description there is a [1] after his name. I thought that was the level of the pet but for the battle you need to battle a level 12 pet
I got it today on my new alliance gnome... For the Horde for 8+ years, this was for fun.
I'd like to know the best breed also... got a balance and a h/p atm... don't know which one is better to keep. Thanks for any and all help! :)
Anyone else think this thing looks like a jumping spider? It might be my fave mechanical pet look ever! So cute!
Does anyone know what the best breed for this pet is?
Got lucky on 2nd attempt :)
Many get it long before 10th attempt, so drop rate seems good..
Mine dropped after the 5th win. Seems to have a better drop rate than the albino vulture.
I play horde but had a low level gnome/spy so I just used him- very easy.
Dropped after 4th win. I used Dark Phoenix Hatchling and 2 Fel Flames.
dark flame, pet gets swapped.
Fel flame - Immolate, pet gets swapped
Hatchling - Conflagrate gets swapped
Fel flame -Conflagrate and Corporal Hammer dies
M37 - Fel flame immolate, conflagrate, burn until dead.
on Clamp keep up immolate, conflagrate and burn a couple times he dies...watch the fire bomb dots tick away and hope you live lol
It appears that they may have fixed the drop rate on Dibbler, as well as the bug that allows you to do the daily quest more than once per day on one account. I was able to do the daily quest on each character per day, and was averaging a ~50% drop rate. I haven't had one drop since, could be bad luck, but I definitely know the more than once a day bug is fixed.
If you are trying to get there on a lower level horde alt, just do the following. Take the STV portal to Gnomergan. Then invite someone to the group, then leave the group. You will get ported out to the entrance of the instance, right near the quest giver.
I used Singing Sunflower (1,1,2), Jade Tentacle (2,2,1) and Broot (1,1,1) Use photosynthesis and sunlight. Then take them down. Use broot to tank the debuff.
Got Dibbler on my first try. 50-100% drop rate? This pet keeps dropping for me every time I have tried. The drop rate must be bugged.
Picked him up on the second fight. Used three fel flames cuz I'm lazy like that. I was wondering if the drop rate is very good or I just got insanely lucky. Considering they're giving everything away in 7.3 as far as pets go..(half way through raiding with leashes on the second day) I imagine the drop rate is more than just good, unlike the Albino Buzzard.....but honestly, I'm not really happy about that. "Cool" stops being cool when everyone has a backpack full of them.
In the name of all that is holy, do not use lil rag or spirit of the forge or any other beatstick elemental in your first two slots. Enemy will go first, hammer you, and swap in your second pet. Then he'll go first again, hammer again, swapping back to your first pet. Two of your pets will be beaten to death without being able to land a blow. Save Raggy for cleanup in third slot, making sure your first two pets are at least 242 or faster.
Beat him twice so far on both days after the patch that the quest was avaliable, got one out of both bags, first one was a B/B breed, second one was the H/P breed....so evidently the drop rate on this one is quite high.....or I have silly amounts of luck.
EDIT: 4 kills, 3 pets...anyone else seeing this kind of drop rate on these.... seems almost messed up atm.... sure to be fixed soon....that or I should be buying Lotto tickets instead of playing WoW
Edit2: drop rate nerf confirmed
Just enter Gnomeregan then turn left side u will see the blue "!". Got this pet at first try yesterday 30/8/2017 plus a critter blue stone. Just used Broot and the Blossiming Ancient keeping up always sun/healing; as 3' pet u can use also a lower lv guy to make exp. Today i get just trash. I dont think the % will be so lower btw (hopefully for pet hunters^^). Good hunting.
Just got this pet. Haven't battled it yet but I love how it looks!