Clanking Scrapsorter

Idles about.
Plays rock, paper, scissors with other "hand" pets, and explodes when it loses or gives a thumbs up and sparkles when it wins.
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.2.0 | Posted: June 25, 2019
The Clanking Scrapsorter is a wild pet that spawns inside the Operation: Mechagon 5-player dungeon. It can normally be found in the underground portion.
Level 0:

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

Because it wasn't obvious to me, this pet is found in the Underground part of Mechagon.
how do i check the capabilities of an enemy pet that is not the active pet?
@Miauzinha, so sorry, I didn't mean to downvote your comment, was a misclick! Great information! <3
This pet can be tricky to obtain. It has an explode as one of his moves and if he uses it, make it impossible to collect him. I got this statergy from another website and it works → When you find yourself a Clanking Scrapsorter check its spells before you start fighting to see if explode is there. If it is, back out of the fight and re-enter. Repeat this process until explode is not an option for him and you will be able to obtain this pet. Happy pet hunting!
How do you capture this!! I've had it a couple of times as a secondary pet and it keeps blowing itself up!
They can appear as primary pets in the Under Junk section of the dungeon.
Why people keep seeking 'rare' pets in battles when you can just capture a green-white-gray one and just use a rare stone on it? Less trouble. You'd only look to their breeds, if there is more than one.
It shows up as a secondary pet to the Dusktooth Snooter or the Yellow Junkhopper in the Operation: Mechagon dungeon. It doesn't show up on its own.
Yes, I got a blue H/S today.
Has anyone seen a rare in the wild? I've been farming them for hours in cleared Mechagon dungeon, and only seen greens... :(