Armored Vaultbot

Armored Vaultbot
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles and looks about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.2.0 | Posted: June 25, 2019
The rare creature that drops this pet cannot be defeated in a traditional way. Instead, players must agro and kite it to Bolten Springpsark in Bondo's Scrap Yard, where his Robot Cruncher Zapper machine will suck up and destroy the Armored Vaultbot rare. Doing this will leave behind a lootable pile of treasure which can sometimes contain the pet and a blueprint to craft Armored Vaultbot Keys. Using a key on the rare spawn causes the same explosion and lootable treasure pile effect, however removes the need to kite the rare to Bondo's Scrap Yard.
Level 0:

1-5 of 5
1-5 of 5

So I'm on a reasonable pop server, and in all my time on Mechagon, I've seen this guy exactly once. And now that I'm able to make the key, I only get one shot at the alt-time version of him per day? (The alt-time version is always there.) This explains why it costs so much on the AH I guess?
I have farmed this guy for weeks, must be ultra low drop rate... I kill him daily and still no pet for me... /sad
Hmmm... Seems to be a Rascalbot model with a big box on it (hiding the top half of the Rascalbot). I suppose it is a design shortcut.
The concept of a tank pet as a walking vault is a great idea though.
Armored Vaultbot is the only pet so far to have Money Meteor. It does 607 damage split evenly amongst the opposing team. That equates to 911 damage vs beast pets. Unfortunately it has a 5 round CD. He is also the only pet so far to have Vault Drop. Unfortunately his speed is only 223 and this is a 2 round attack, so you would probably time that as his final move.
I love his looks, his large size, and they way he talks during battle.
Oooooh-kaaaay, is this not just Rascal-Bot with a chest on it's head?