
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 9.1.0 | Posted: June 29, 2021
Squibbles has a chance to drop from the reward bag awarded by Anthea, a new trainer added in Patch 9.1, after defeating her and completing her quest.
This trainer can be found at the Temple of the White Tiger in Kun-Lai Summit.
Anthea has three level 25 epic quality pets.
This trainer can be found at the Temple of the White Tiger in Kun-Lai Summit.
Anthea has three level 25 epic quality pets.
Level 0:

1-7 of 7
1-7 of 7

So I thought I'd be grinding a lot longer for this pet than I did. It took me 6 attempts. Was pleasantly surprised, lol. I got Squibbles, a Flawless Dragonkin Stone, and 3 Pet Bandages.
I wish Blizzard would give drop rates for everything so we can decide whether or not to waste our time trying to get pets/mounts.
Getting so tired of this crap from Blizzard.
I got him on the 14th try! Don't give up hope! :D Very easy pet battle and you can level some pets up while doing this daily.
I just had Squibbles drop after 12 attempts. Pretty happy about the drop rate, since I never had him drop on the PTR
Just got Squibbles on my second try this week with the Tamer...got a another alt parked there try for more later on.....
Drops from a Gumblepouch given as a daily reward for defeating Anthea (a new trainer) in Kun-Lai Summit at 70.37, 51.35. Not a guaranteed drop.
I got Squibbles on the first Grummblepouch I opened.