Scrapyard Tunneler

Grooms face and pops up to look around.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.2.0 | Posted: June 25, 2019
Level 0:

1-7 of 7
1-7 of 7

At 325 speed, you will want the S/S version of the Scrapyard Tunneler.
If he is in the backline and has explode, restart the battle.
His breed and rarity will not change, but his looks and or abilities can change each time you restart the battle ... assuming you do not kill the front line pet.
So you find yourself a pet you like, possible a rare, or the breed you're after, heck even color. Before doing anything, you mouseover the pet in the backline and see if it has Explode or not. If it does - restart the match as this causes the moveset abilities the wild pets can spawn with to rotate. You might get Explode again, it might pick the other ability in the same slot. You lose 10% of current health when you forfeit, so you probably want to bandage after peeking 1-2 times. 62,59 primary
For those who have difficulties, here is how I did it:
Search for a pet that has a Tunneler or better two in the backline. Pick a high speed pet with magma wave to get their hp down then kill the front pet. After that you have to shots at catching one of the Tunnelers.
I have collected 2 color variations of this pet:
a copper/rust, yello/green with green eyes.
I have seen a 3rd which looks more red/black but I do not have it.
I ended up finding a green one as a secondary, I was afraid of it self-destructing, but it didn't have that ability in the 3 seen. O.O It might just be pure chance of it having self destruct. My main team for capturing is 1-Lvling pet, 2-Emerald Proto, 3-Axebeak Hatchling.
Infuriating indeed. Fast trapping with Grumpy : Howl and Superbark worked for me!
This pet has an infuriating self-destruct that makes it very difficult to catch. :(