
Pecks at ground.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

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1-18 of 18

A couple of these can also be found in Vol'dun.
Very first one I found was a rare! I was more than pleased! Found this little guy in the Secret Lab area at 2:30 am server time on Aggramar :)
Finally got a rare in Everlook after about 4 weeks of fairly consistent pet battling there. It was a secondary pet and the first rare robo chick I have seen among the 50 or so I have battled in Winterspring.
In fact, it was the first rare mechanical pet I have seen in Winterspring, and I pet battle there a lot to level my collection. By contrast, I have seen numerous rare alpine critters in the region. So if u seek a rare robo chick, be prepared to grind a while.
This was the first wild pet I ever captured, in the Goblin Slums, before I even knew about the intricacies of pet breeds and rarity. He was poor quality, but I spent a Mogu stone to turn him uncommon, and he's in line for a flawless stone if I'm lucky enough to get as many as I need. Because he was my first, and that counts for something.
While questing around Everlook in Winterspring I got three rares of these within just one day (I released an uncommon one to capture the third rare, a first for me!). Together with several other rares of other pets in this zone, but not an Anodized Robo Cub. - Edit: I got a fourth rare as secondary to a poor one. Had to release one of my rares - traded a H/S for a P/B, as I didn't have one with power yet. In any case, I've never seen a pet so easy to get as rare.
Got a common as a secondary to a spider at
Sable Ridge (67,13)
10 seconds later got a rare as a secondary to a twilight beetle at
Found a H/S rare secondary while looking for a rare Snowy Owl.
Just snagged a Rare as the primary at 60.53/50.69 within the actual fence line for Everlook. And it's an H/H! Took me a while, but worth it!
I got a rare as the second pet to a snowy owl. I wanted to go for the owl... but I went for the chick instead.
I found a rare one of these as a companion to the snowy owl out in Winterspring. Right as I was about to capture it and end my battle, the world server went down. :< I thought that when it came back up, the pet would still be there. The original snowy owl was there, but the robo-chick that accompanied it was NOT rare. I didn't know how bad I wanted one of these until that happened, and I've been trying to find another rare one ever since. D:
I encountered a Robo-Chick, uncommon (green) quality, as a secondary wild pet during a lvl 5 or 6 fight in Azshara (a little bit west of the entrance to Orgrimmar). I didn't realize it was unusual until a few fights later when I came here to check something else, or I'd have more concrete details. But it was definitely the 2nd wild pet in the fight.
I was starting to believe these things don't actually have a rare version. I've been challenging every wild pet in Winterspring for about 3 hours, and I've found a rare of everything else except the Robo-Chick. I've seen about 10 uncommons, probably 30 commons, and 40 poors. Guess I'll have to keep grinding.
There's one of these that spawns inside Everlook behind the inn, but I've never been able to fight it because I always get the error, "Pet battle area is obstructed"
Well, just found my rare Robo-Chick in Azshara. Came as a partner to a Twilight Spider. The same thing happened with the Rabid Nut Varmint 5000 but with a Twilight Beetle.
Like Skittlekitty, I found several of these while battling Alpine Hares and Alpine Chipmunks in Winterspring. They show up as adds and it's nice to have one at Level 17 instead of Level 5. :)
These spawn at all 5 buildings that support the racetrack in Azshara as well as The Secret Lab which is very near the track. All 6 areas are clearly marked on the map.
I have also seen these spawn in Orgrimmar at 37.6, 87.4 (Goblin Slums) but you have to be horde to get anywhere near them.
I located several around the Secret lab in ashzara or whatever.
Found a rare Rabid Nut Varmint 5000 right by Bitter Reaches, seems to share spawn timer with the Robo Chick.
This guy showed up while I was battling a squirrel.