Mechanical Prairie Dog

Strange Looking Mechanical Squirrel
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Grooms face and pops up to look around.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.0.1 | Posted: August 13, 2018
Alliance players must first complete the quest chain that starts with An Explosive Opportunity before this pet will appear on the vendor.
As of Patch 8.1, a new vendor was added allowing Horde players to purchase this pet directly, bypassing the original prerequisite quest noted above. To gain access to this vendor, Olly, players must acquire A Shady Message quest item. The quest item is a random drop from participating in Pet Battle PVP (queued) matches. Accepting and completing the quest mission, as well as the follow-up quest, will grant access to Olly and his stock of multiple Alliance battle pets.
As of Patch 8.1, a new vendor was added allowing Horde players to purchase this pet directly, bypassing the original prerequisite quest noted above. To gain access to this vendor, Olly, players must acquire A Shady Message quest item. The quest item is a random drop from participating in Pet Battle PVP (queued) matches. Accepting and completing the quest mission, as well as the follow-up quest, will grant access to Olly and his stock of multiple Alliance battle pets.
Level 0:

1-3 of 3
1-3 of 3

Excellent combonation of power/protection/speed. Great for PVP.
Adrenaline Rush -> Extra Plating -> BatterĀ
Dana Pull will sell you this pet for 75 Polished Pet Charms, following completion of the quest "Inspection Gadget". It is listed in his inventory as "Strange Looking Mechanical Squirrel". Only comes in one breed, H/P.
Obtained one, looks like a H/P Breed. Could be multiple breeds?