Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling

Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Hovers and performs tricks.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.3 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Read more about this pet in our Pet of the Month!
Level 0:

This pet used to be a staple for pvp but sadly it's day has passed. There are faster, better pets, as well as lots of move sets that completely nullify decoy. If you still use this guy in your pvp teams on the regular, you can probably still get wins, but there are upgrades out there.
Perfect counter against magic pets, has really good moves and a good racial. The first pet that made me spend 4 digits on the AH. Absolutely worth it. Have been using him a lot less after getting my Darkmoon Zeppelin, as it works better against beasts, but every once in a while pandaren dragonling helps me out.
This pet is now base quality rare instead of uncommon. Hooray, no more wasted battle stones.
Acquire this pet ASAP if you're a new battler as it is simply essential in so many instances. The only issue I ever find with it is that I often would prefer a more powerful Mech attack in slot 1 or 2 (not that there's anything at all wrong with the existing powers there and that would probably make the Zepplin irrelevent). Appealing model with unique moves (Decoy and Explode are both handy) that will quickly become one of your most-utilized pets. A pet with few peers.
MPD epitomizes individual balance that lends itself to team synergy.
Not only are MPD's offensive abilities a mix of dragonkin, flying, elemental, and mechanical, but also consist of a single-traget direct, single-target delayed unavoidable, direct-damage with debuff, even-split AOE, and self-sacrificing damage direct. Not to mention Decoy...
MPD can cornerstone a 15-0 pvp battle pet team or thrive as a support pet swapping in to throw a clutch sticky bomb.
One of my best as well for sure. It does deliver and can easily manage 2 enemy pets in a team, sometimes three. A must have, and for sure cute as well.
A friendly engineer will make this pet for you for the following:
4 Ghost Iron Bars (8 ores)
6 Trillium Bars
2 Spirit of Harmony
Only comes in one breed S/S. Fast is good because he needs to go first.
He puts out a 2 move block (Decoy). He can lightning multiple enemies (especially mechanical) and can breath heavy on Magic enemies. I have used a team of 3 of these with incredible results against several pet battlers including ones in the daily menagerie. Get at least one of these.
For sure a top 3 battler. I'd give him six stars if I could.
Favorite pet for Manos day at the Garrison. Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling can practically solo Manos, Fatos and Handos, 3 magical pets found as one of the Daily Pet Battles in rotation at the Pet Menagie in your Garrison. I usually open with Decoy, do a few Tail Sweep and when Manos is down to about 100HP I'll use Thunderbolt so I can start wearing down the other pets. You can use Decoy to safely bring in a low level pet to power level and I have a Nexus Whelping to finish things up.
The MPD is one of my favorite go-to pets for several battles. He's first in line for both of the Darkmoon tamers, able to take down Jeremy's first two pets with no problem, and putting a major dent in Christoph's. His best PvE use, however, is for Ashlei in WoD's Shadowmoon Valley. The MPD can solo the fight, meaning you can carry two other pets for an excellent XP boost, even level 1s.. Edit: Sadly, Thunderbolt was nerfed. Still one of my top favorite pets, but still disappointing.
The Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling was already ungodly ridiculous, so when the buffs to Thunderbolt came with 6.0, it just about became the new Unborn Val'kyr. You need a pet that can force multiple attacks (Stampede, Banana Barrage, etc.), team heal, or deal heavy Elemental damage if you want to have any hope of taking this little guy down.
Make 3 of these pets a 25 rare and you've got yourself a pvp team that will most likely get you a win with the other user quitting, or being unable to come up with a way to kill you. Decoy, thunderbolt, switch. Rinse, repeat.
Not sure why Insanejames was downvoted. The MPD is indeed a fantastic pet for PvP pet battles due to Decoy, its 289 speed and Mech racial. Decoy is a fantastic ability when timed well and since the MPD will outspeed a lot of hard-hitting pets, it's not overly difficult to use. Thunderbolt allows it to fit in well with AoE teams, not that it has problems rounding out a team anyway with its Decoy.
Please if you see this please rate the Mechanical Pandaren Drgonling a 5 for Battle because it's a very good PVP Pet :)
I have found that this pet flies with me while I'm flying. Anyone else find this?
I named mine Drobot, because obviously. The perfect companion for the BM Hunter who created him.
A guildie of mine needed gold and was wondering why her AH stuff wasn't selling, so I asked what she had on there. When she said pets, I had to run to get them. This little dragonling was looking at me with its gear-y eyes, so I bought him from her. I haven't battled him yet, but I'll be sure to post details once I do!
This dropped for me yesterday in a Blingtron gift package. Has anyone else seen that?
A combination of my 2 favorite pet classes, dragonkin and mechanical? YES PLEASE!! This one is definitely in my top 5.
THIS IS SO CUTE! XD! And, this is NOT Bind on Soul, go ahead and give this to your guildies! Great for battling with the Pandaren Monk pet.