Mechanical Chicken

Mechanical Chicken
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Pecks at ground.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 1.11.1 | Posted: April 1, 2007
Quest: An OOX of Your Own [40]
Zone: Stranglethorn Vale

Mechanical Chicken
Item Level 40
Binds when used
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your chicken.
Sell Price: 10
This pet may be used by non-engineers. Players must complete all three escort quests to earn a final quest, [50]An OOX of Your Own in Booty Bay, which provides this pet as a reward. Note that the pet is BoU, so it can also be found at auction.
For help completing the prerequisite quests, try the following macro:
/run local z={"Tanaris","Hinterlands","Feralas"}for k,v in pairs({{351,648},{485,836},{25475,25476}})do print(z[k])for i,q in pairs(v)do print(" #"..i,"\124Hquest:"..q.."\124h["..q.."]\124h",IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(q)and COMPLETE or INCOMPLETE)end end

Does anyone know if these escort quests are still available in BoA?
In fact it is identical to a P/S Robo-Chick with same habilities and same stats.
Oddly, I have two accounts on the same account.
Account one....592 Unique, 615 Total.
Account two....594 Unique, 617 Total.
Account two shows two of these chickens which means that they are not account wide and duplicates are apparently unique!
Slightly above avarage health and power, with nice 289 speed. This is a solid mechanical pet. Peck if you face lots of aquatics, otherwise Batter is a better choice. Especially combined with Overtune, this can really put the hurt on speedy pets(say hi Death Adder and fliers). Always nice to do a Wind-Up when you can't do anything else and then release the pain. Just watch out for elementals of course, and it does not have any defensive moves(good offence makes for best defense). Great pet.
The hardest of the 3 pre quests to get is the Hinterlands. Wowhead will show that turtles drop him if you look at their locator map, when in fact all creatures in the Hinterlands will drop him. I ended up nuking all the trolls in Jintha Alor for a few hours until the Beacon dropped.
Using a macro from wowhead comments about the 3 quests, I checked each of my characters and discovered that most had done 1 of the 3 quest chains. Only one character had done 2 of the quest chains. The Hinterlands drop rate seems horrible. Tanaris may not be bad, but it is so full of PvP these days, it's hard to quest. Luckily, my druid only needed the Feralas quest chain and got the drop in the Yeti caves - probably the 20th yeti killed. Not too bad after using the macro.
I finally found the last 2 of the quest drops i needed to get this pet while doing a scavenger hunt for my guild. I was so excited but when I learned the pet i was vastly disappointed to see it was only a uncommon pet. Well, here is hoping to find a Battle-Stone to up its quality.
It's nice that these are BoU but I accidentally learned a second one (had farmed it to sell it) and because they're not cageable, I can't get rid of the duplicate unless I release it. =/
With the amount of hazzle to get this companion, you'd think they would make the companion rarity for pet battles into blue.
You need to do all 3 quest lines with the beacons before you get the pet. Just wanted to clear that up for you :)
He was the first kill in the zone for me.
The Shattering changed the Ferelas quest, if you did the old one it no longer counts and you'll need to do the new one before you can get the pet.
Once done;
You may also get an error about not meeting the requirements while claiming the pet (I did) just accept the quest again and it should go through awarding the pet.
Macro 1:
/run f,z=CreateFrame('frame'),{[485]='The Hinterlands',[351]='Tanaris',[2766]='Feralas'};f:RegisterEvent('QUEST_QUERY_COMPLETE')
Macro 2:
/run local s,t;f:SetScript('OnEvent',function() t=GetQuestsCompleted();for c,v in pairs(z) do if t[c] then s='' else s=' not' end print('You have'..s,'found OOX in',v) end end);QueryQuestsCompleted()
Press the 1st macro, then the 2nd, the game will tell which OOX quests you've done. (Macro author unknown.)
The first non-purchase pet I actively pursued, and got me addicted to collecting.