De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion

De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Grooms face and scratches ear.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 4.0.3 | Posted: December 7, 2010
To learn how to make this pet, speak with any high level Gnomish engineering trainer. The created item is BoU, allowing it to be traded and sold to other players.
1-16 of 16
1-16 of 16

just got one from Blingtron 4k
I had one drop from a Blingtron 6000 yesterday.
This is the cutest little bunny in the game in my opinion! So adorable to have him hopping along behind you!
Really liking this little rubbot. One of the few 325 speed mechanicals, with the usual power vs beasts. But with Extra Plating and if you really want it Repair, this one can be truly durable as well. I prefer to use Thrash, which benefits from speed, and Demolish(which goes really well with Extra Plating and hits for over 500). With 325 speed you probably won't get much extra benefit from Overtune.
for anyone confused with the blue and the green versions what is going on(most likely). is the blue version you as seeing is the item before it is learned, the green is a caged battle pet. check to see what you are getting beforehand. if it is a cagged battle pet you will be able to see the pet level and the stats. :)
A friend of mine just got this from Blingtron. Just wanted to throw that in here if anyone was looking who wasn't an engineer:)
Is this good as a battle pet? Anyone leveled up one?
Schematic for this is for Gnomish Engineer
There seam to be 2 versions of this pet, a blue quility one and a green quility one, ironically the green one sells for more on Feathermoon, not sure if thats the case anywhere alse though.
Scratch that...I used it and it went green.
Cute little pet, I am glad I made him.
1. No more than 32 Obsidium Ore (12 bars, 4 bolts)
2. 16 Volatile Air (engineer will change into 8 Electrified Ethers)
3. 2 Jasper (green gem)