Specimen 97

Grooms face and pops up to look around.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.2.0 | Posted: June 25, 2019
There is only one wild Specimen 97 up at any given time, however it has a very fast respawn time.
Level 0:

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

So on paper he is just a rabbit who is slower but hits harder. However he is the only mechanical/undead pet to have vengeance meaning he can get freely one shot, com back to life and use vengeance this is beyond broken in pve boss fight as if they hit him too hard he just says "no u" also mind you can get this guy in mechagon he's always in the same spot and he is guaranteed a rare s/s breed
Breezed through Mech PvP achievement with 3 of these. Extremely strong in PvP.
Has been very good for PvP! Speed breed. Comeback, dust cloud and burrow.
Can usually find him hanging around around Bonebiter and Trogg, always rare and S/S.
Very effective against Blackmane in Stratholme, 1 soloed the first form down and then some and 2 could have probably beat him easily. Will probably try that next week.
Caught as primary rare 62.78 25.25. Mechagon. Appears to be the same place and condition as the previous comments.
Caught a S/S breed of this guy, and I must say, he comes in handy vs undead/critters, won several pvp matches with him avoiding annoying the annoying haunt folks use. :D He would be great in the Stratholme pet dungeon.
Found him at 59.74 26.15 as primary. Rare too! He battled with Comeback, Dust Cloud, and Vengeance. I was using Grumpy and he used Dust Cloud every time I tried to use Superbark, so be careful of that!
Another repsawned after a minute or two!
The second I caught battled with Batter, Crouch, and Burrow.
Yup, got mine there, too. Blue! Made me feel lucky.
Also got one as a main pet, rare quality, in the trogg area 59.00, 28.46 - As soon as I capped mine another spawned in almost the same exact spot within a minute.
Found as a main pet, in the trog area (60, 24).
UPDATE: Passed by there lots of times, and he seems to regularly be up. Only place I have seen it.