Lifelike Mechanical Frostboar

Lifelike Mechanical Frostboar
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: October 14, 2014
Players with the engineering skill can purchase the schematic for this pet at the Engineering Works plot in the garrison or from the engineering vendor at the Alliance or Horde faction hub in Ashran. The schematic costs one Secret of Draenor Engineering; crafting this currency has a one day cooldown.
Non-engineers can also craft this pet by building the Engineering Works in the garrison, and upgrading the plot to level 3. After obtaining enough materials, speak with one of the NPCs at the level 3 Engineering Works to have them create the pet for you.
Non-engineers can also craft this pet by building the Engineering Works in the garrison, and upgrading the plot to level 3. After obtaining enough materials, speak with one of the NPCs at the level 3 Engineering Works to have them create the pet for you.
Level 0:

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

Big Pig is great. Drop a decoy and keep on slaming rockets into the face. He can self heal every other turn and it's mechanical so he rezzes too! Best bit... When you attack, the sound is funny.
little experience, little collection but 3.5 rating is underrated. Non just for levelling, but for world quests and Pandaria dailies. You face a beast, you have her, problem solved.
If you just want an alt to catch a few pets, or you just want to level a pet, this pet is amazing for that!! pig out and ram are strong against critters, and his rocket is strong against beasts
I absolutely love this pet for power leveling.I named him Benji.:-) happy hunting!!!
My go-to leveling pet. Use Rocket/Pigout/Decoy and can solo most high level Critter/Beast/Flyer teams. I've done the Frostwall circuit countless times leveling pets and unless unlucky usually only need LMF, and if done right, Pigout will let you finish with full health. Hard to beat in this category.
Decent little boosting pet. Can easily boost 2 pets on many trainers with Pig Out/ Decoy making this very hard to kill.
Don't really use it much in PvP battles though, it just doesn't seem as good as others with decoy (MPD for example is just better because of Thunderbolt).
What would be the best breed for this little guy? I was planning on using home to level my other pets in frostfire ridge on the Icespine Hatchlings. I have a h/h and a s/s breed right now
@ Whiplash : It's Creepily Lifelike o.0
This little pig's moveset and S/S breed (325 speed) look promising (other than Charge, which seems misplaced). Her 'Pig Out' damage + heal move brings Son of Animus to mind, and 'Decoy' is a mainstay defensive move made popular by Darkmoon Zeppelin and Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling. Missle, Rebuild, and Headbutt are all useful moves as well. IMO her only drawback is cosmetic - maybe she is a bit *too* lifelike...?