Pet Bombling

Pet Bombling
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Looks around while idling about.
» Video
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 1.11.1 | Posted: April 1, 2007
Profession: Goblin Engineering [205]
Taught By: [Schematic: Pet Bombling]

Pet Bombling
Item Level 41
Binds when picked up
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your bomb.
Sell Price: 25
This pet was formerly known as 'Tiny Walking Bomb'. As of patch 3.3.3, this previously-BoP pet is now BoU, meaning you no longer need to be an engineer to obtain it. As of patch 3.1, the BoP schematic has a 100% chance to drop from [28+]Mekgineer Thermaplugg in Gnomeregan, enabling both goblin and gnomish engineers to obtain the schematic.
Level 0:

1-14 of 14
1-14 of 14

As others have said, this little guy is pretty nice for a PvE team against a boss with backline pets.
Minefield + Stun (and enemy switch) is a hard hitting combo.
It is faster than the average Mechanical pet, aside from S/S breeds.
I only wish it had a Boombot ability like Lil' XT, instead of Batter / Zap, it would have been fun to place a bomb too, making little copies of itself like a selfcontained Bombsquad.
The only pet with Minefield that can also force a tamer pet swap at the same time (Screeching Gears).
Example use: Jeremy Feasel starts with a magic pet. Lay Minefield, spam Screeching Gears until the stun triggers. Swap to an elemental pet with Stun Seed and beat the tonk without using it. Apply Stun Seed on the magic pet, swap back to Pet Bombling, Minefield, Stun Seed triggers and he'll swap in his beast pet. Easy win.
This guy pairs great with a Call Lightning user to take out Zao in the Celestial Tournament. Go Batter/Toxic Smoke/Explode, and you can tear chunks out of the big ox, just before exploding in his face. This also works for Lil' Oondasta, though the other Legendary beasts are too fast for Batter to get its maximum effect (save Gorespine, but Spiked Skin shuts this strategy down just as hard).
I love this little guy, throw down a mine field when you are about to finish off an enemy and the next one coming in is going to be a beast pet, he will hit the minefield upon entering. Boooom you can sometimes kill them in one shot before they even get started. Very effective pet if used correctly.
6 Copper Bars
Bring them to a jewelcrafter and have them make you
3 Delicate Copper Wires. Bring the wires to an engineer along with
2 Essences of Fire
6 Mithril Bars
3 Iron Bars
1 Silver Bar
3 Heavy Stones
1 Heart of Fire
You can use Fused Wirings left over to make Lil' Smoky.
I dropped herbalism which was easy to level back up and as a reward for a few hours work I now have Pet Bombling and Lil'Smoky :)