Baby Blizzard Bear

Baby Blizzard Bear
Binds to account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds to account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Gets comfortable and sits down.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
1 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.0.3 | Posted: November 22, 2008
For a limited time during WoW's 20th Anniversary event (October 22, 2024 to January 6, 2025), this pet was purchasable from Storekeeper Reginald for 10 Bronze Celebration Tokens.
This pet uses the same model as Poley, but unlike Poley the Baby Blizzard Bear features a sit animation. It was rewarded via the mail when players logged in with a character during WoW's 4th Anniversary event between November 23rd and December 7th in 2008. In addition to receiving this pet, logging in also earned your character the WoW's 4th Anniversary achievement.
This pet uses the same model as Poley, but unlike Poley the Baby Blizzard Bear features a sit animation. It was rewarded via the mail when players logged in with a character during WoW's 4th Anniversary event between November 23rd and December 7th in 2008. In addition to receiving this pet, logging in also earned your character the WoW's 4th Anniversary achievement.
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Returning at last with the 20th Anniversary!
So is there a reason for the incositency on blizzards part in relation to obtaining these pets. I logged in to wow during the 10th anniversary and got the molten corgi pet as an example (as that one is tied to the achieve) but not the 4th so didn't get this pet. (also an achieve)
I love this cute lil guy, it's a great shame he was introduced and gone before I started playing
Got this pet in the 4th anniversary, always thought he was the cuddliest pet. I have never battled with him coz he's 'SO CUTE' i don't want him getting upset !
I'm in battle pets for several months as of now, I am NOT specialist if it comes to those soooo rare & unique pets. Anyway, I've spotted Baby Blizzard Bear here and I realised that I don't recall this one to have in my journal. And I didn't. Weird. Anyway, as I am looong time player I did check my achievements and boom - I WAS logged in during 4th anniversary, yet no pet ;/. I wrote to GM about it and BBB appeared in my mail day after ;). So if you DON'T have him just check achies and GM ;))
If you had this pet and he is not in your inventory, ask a gm. They can find it on your account and put it back in. I had to do that myself. :)
The only thing that stands out(except for looks of course) is that you can chose Call Blizzard instead of Rampage. But for me the bear is not ideal to use Call Blizzard with, there seems like there are better choices out there. And if you want to run a bleed team you might as well go with a Darkshore Cub. Not a bad pet but definetly nothing outstanding.
Might be fun to use against Call Darknesss birds, you take weak damage and then change weather to make them miss Nocturnal Strike.
Was hoping this little guy would be included in the new Recruit-a-friend promotion. Here's hoping he returns sometime for those who missed out on getting him.
This guy Rocks at battleÂ
I had this pet before MOP came out, now he is gone. Cry...What happened? Anyone else have that happen to them?
To make et harder to get, they could make it more expensive if it is.
Just a heads up for others trying to get it back after deleting it or it having it go missing out of their bags.
ETA: Submitted another ticket and got a GM return the item. I now have an adorable baby blizzard bear!!