Nordrassil Wisp

Ground (hovers)
Hovers about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found in the area around the Nordrassil Inn.
Level 0:

Wisp is my #1 guy to capture any wild pet! Set it up with Light, Arcane Blast, and Arcane Explosion. Light and Arcane Blast will obliterate most of the HP, then use Arcane Explosion to inch the pets health down to being capturable. The extra bonus is that you can also use Arc Explosion to hit the back line of pets, prepping that 2ed or 3rd pet for capturing while battling the 1st trash pet.
First wisp i saw, at the first time i entered nordrassil, was a s/s rare lvl 22. It was at night, it was quite an active area and there were many around (8 or something).
i caught a common S/S breed ... as i still had two magic battle stones in my backpack i jsut used one to make this guy rare. Now I have a special Moonlight Team: Nordrassil Wisp, Emerald Whelpling, Nether Fairy Dragon. I like it
After reading the comments here I decided to go back to the spawn points after our raids were finished for the evening last week, around 11:30pm server time. There were at least 5 or 6 of these guy and they quickly respawned. Took me maybe 25 minutes to get two of the s/s breed.
These appear to be more abundant at night. I started my hunt for one yesterday during the afternoon and found none even though no one else seemed to be camping the area for pets. I tried killing critters, clearing other pet battles - nothing. I left after an hour. I returned at roughly midnight server time and there were wisps EVERYWHERE. There must have been more than 15 spawned at a time and I easily encountered several rares (same char both tmes).
I can't confirm this as a guarantee, but I farmed on 3 characters for this guy in one evening. On 2 of the characters, the zone was phased and I didn't see any wisps. On the third, he had not completed any quests in the zone and they were abundant.
If you're having trouble, try using an unphased character.
Above link walks you through all those abbreviations (s/s, p/p, etc)
I'm still learning what it all means, too :)
I guess I'm retarded but what is s/s or s/b or h/s?
about 2am on Garona ,8 to 10 of the little ones dancing around pond, first one in battle was a rare. good luck to all
Just picked up a rare S/S on Eonar at 5:45pm EST. There's quite a few wisps about if anyone's looking. Took me about 4 tries to find a rare. Can't wait to take this little guy out for a spin.
abandon all hope ye who wants a rare..
you're done faster farming stones and catch a grey in the right family
Just like Faelastar suggested, I started killing critters around the pond near the portals and I had a wisp come up for me after two or three loops around with no wisps to be found. Recommend this method.
i think S/S would be the best for this guy because of his blind
Generally speaking, you get more total points if you choose the breed where all the points are in one place. There is an article about that on this site.
i'm a new pet battler. i'd like to have this pet in my fighting team. i'm going to mainly use light and flash. can u suggest what breed would be the best?
I've been hunting this pet for 3 weeks with not 1 spawn ever! -Rexxa server-
Killed everything around the pond/lake. Battled tons of pets and never even seen it. :P sooooo frustrating!!
So.... Down to basics.... This is what an undead nightelf would look like hehe ;) ...
I loved this pet, it was my go-to when I was fighting the pandaria tamers. Since 5.2 however, it doesn't seem to be doing as well. (Did they change Light ability?)
They were a little thin on the ground in the early days, but now there are lots around the inn. I upgraded my uncommon to rare without running out of them, and more recently took a party of young pets there to be levelled while I farmed a magic battle stone. Took a lot of dead Wisps, but now I have upgraded my Magic Lamp.
I think of it as a candle, and want to group it with my Lofty Librum and (maybe) Winter Reindeer. Bell, book and candle...
Unless anyone can suggest a better pet to rep a bell?
It is absolutely one of the better anti fliers.
I wanna get a max breed and use it as my go to moth killer
a must have
a lot appear by portal to stormwind in hyjal