Spectral Porcupette

Spectral Porcupette
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.2.0 | Posted: March 5, 2013
Level 0:

1-17 of 17
1-17 of 17

Completely underrated. Should be in top 20 easily.
Be aware of the following ability called Spirit Spikes against flyers that use the following abilities: Egg Barrage, Flock and even Slicing Wind and Moth Balls. It will block all those attacks but it won't do any damage backwards. So this is good or bad depending on your stategy.
With lvl 100 characters, it is now really easy to get this pet. I was done collecting the 999 bones required for the quest in roughly 40 minutes.
Just picked this pet up for 500g. Got this one for a great price from the AH.
Nice comments everyone. I just stated collecting a short while back and I do rely on the comments to help me with AH values. I saw this on the AH for 1500 and quickly checked the commnets - it was indeed a good deal so i bought it! Thanks!
As a Hunter it took a few days of farming to get the bones to get this guy. Off to get another for my Hubby and then stockpile for the mount!
I have no idea how I got one of these but i am happy to discover it in my Pet log
i like to have one,but where can i get it and how,thx
Picked mine up from the AH a few weeks ago for 5 k, I was happy.
I farmed the bones with my husband who is a hunter. took 2.5 hours. He's gone back and farmd 2 more and sold them for 20k.
bought it on the ah for 5k! the owner probably needed the money fast.
i'm so happy with this little guy!
picked one up for 9k from the AH. What a steal in my oh so humble opinion!! Love it!!
I'm an Arms Warrior and my husband used a Resto Shaman to heal me. We found that the best dinos to kill were the Pterrorwing Skyscreamers (the big birds). They dropped between 15-17 bones each, but they had less life than the other big dinos and also seemed to do less damage (50-70k a hit). Its main move- Skycall, can be avoided by not standing in the frontal cone (healer), or walking straight though the mob (dps) when fighting them. 999 bones took 4 hours total for me.
Think i may end up buying this guy since ill need those 999 bones toward my 9999 bone mount xD ugh
To get this pet you need to go to Isle of giants and hand in 999 (a large pile of ) dinosaur bones to the npc the bone collector who is in a cave on the west side of the island. If you are soloing it is probably easiest to kill the direhorn hatchlings from which you recieve 7 - 9 bones a kill.
Just got mine today! Love it!
Okay this was a relatively easy (if not long) farm. The 90 elite dinos drop 7-9 bones each kill. The 91 elites drop more, but they're a challenge to kill. Two of us easily farmed up 1k bones from the 90s in a couple days.
There is one of these on my AH, they want 55, 000 ! Back to killin dinos for me.