Viscous Horror

Dark Quivering Blob
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Bubbles and idles about.
Bubbling (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.3.0 | Posted: May 21, 2013
This pet can only drop from Normal or Heroic difficulty, unlike other companions that come from Throne of Thunder.
As of Patch 5.4, players can now win this pet by using a bonus roll (Mogu Rune of Fate) after defeating Primordius.
As of Patch 5.4, players can now win this pet by using a bonus roll (Mogu Rune of Fate) after defeating Primordius.
Level 0:

1-11 of 11
1-11 of 11

As a note, this particular one can now drop on LFR, in addition to Normal and Heroic (which means 2 different ones can drop in LFR now (including the Quivering Blob which can only drop in LFR))
Running on Proudmore for around 30K
/sigh the little girl waits, have been searching for him for a long time. havent seen him on cael ah for a very long time.
Currently On Lightbringer for 11,500k.... -How could I resist
you will be able to coin roll this one IF you do normal Primordius in 5.4.
Coinrolling Primordius LFR in 5.4 may result in a Living Fluid.
Finally got mine via trade! Already in one night he's 11 ;) Strong pet! I read in 5.4 he's going to be a coin roll! Also base quality needs to change to rare.
Ive heard rumors that you will be able to coin roll for this in lfr in 5.4 can anyone confirm?
**UPDATE** 8-20-13
Wondering if logic follows this blue post that this pet should be able to be coin rolled off any boss in regular in 5.4 or is it not changing at all?
"Any Battle Pet that could be awarded from a Throne of Thunder boss on Raid Finder difficulty can now be won from a bonus roll, in addition to the standard bonus roll reward."
These are on AH but the price is not cheap, I have only seen this pet on my AH on Stormrage sever which is a major Alliance servicer only THREE times. I seen it for 95,000 and 120,000 and I just bought mine on AH this weekend for $ 100,000.
So if you do not want to farm this, plan on spending some major gold.
I have yet to see a Viscous Horror for sale on my realm(lightbringer), and on about 10 others realms I checked. I've been saving gold to buy it and there is none for sale!
Heads up for those that were unsure or didn't know: This pet can only drop from Normal or Heroic difficulty, unlike other companions that come from Throne of Thunder. So forget LFR :( I guess I will get him in about ohhh..6mos lol
Got him the other week and have only just lvled him to 25 today, he has a similar move set to the living fluid only instead of acidic goo he has plagued blood which makes him slightly more tanky but the living fluid can do more damage due to acidic goo +25% dmg and evolution +25% dmg. I was a little dissapointed with the evolution animation it kind of just squirts and thats it.. I was hoping to see him turn into a lizard guy or something like you do in the raid fight...