Disgusting Oozeling

Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Bubbles and idles about.
Bubbling (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
Gives owner a debuff - reduces resistances by 20. Drinks from Dark Iron Ale Mug.

Disgusting Oozeling
Item Level 55
Binds when used
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your disgusting oozeling. Your oozeling has a disgusting aura about him and will significantly reduce your defenses while he is around.
Sell Price: 25
To date, this is the only non-combat pet which actually affects combat. Its 'Disgusting Aura' grants -20 defense, -20 to all resistances, and adds a green tint to the owner (group members remain unaffected by this aura). Much like Jubling, if you offer a [Dark Iron Ale Mug] to this pet, it will eagerly move toward it and lap it up.
As of Patch 9.0, the Oozing Bag may be much more difficult to obtain due to the scaling of mobs and the introduction of Chromie Time. Early reports suggest that sub-level 50 players in Chromie Time will see the loot bag drop.

Finally got this one at 442 bags opened! Farmed the Blight Slimes and Angry Blight Slimes in Hillsbrad Foothills to try get the Black Tabby Cat at the same time. I was locked to level 63 and on Catactlym Chromie time.
Strugling to do this during the war within. ive currently leveled in chromie time from 46-61 and have seen 5 bags total. brutal.
Did just as the previous post said: locked a char on 27, farmed oozes on wintergrasp to double down on Azure Whelpling. Got it on 50th Oozing Bag (around 1250 kills).
Just had this drop on Wyrmrest Accord. The trick is that the bag will only drop if you are at a certain level now. I level locked at 27 and went to South Shore and farmed there. I got 13 bags in an hour and a half and one of them had the oozeling.
(I got the tip on Youtube so if anyone gets mad at me for giving away their farming secret, yell at the guy who made the video. ;) )
Does anyone know if these still drop in SoS? I've got 120 kills and not one bag :/
I should note: I did this for 2 weeks straight last year, and got many bags. This time, no bags.
I did the same as bellow. took about 2 hrs and 7 Mr. Grubbs later.
Got mine in Eastern Plaguelands. Took about 30 Oozling Bags from the Carrions, around coord. 62, 64.
It’s not the worst zone, since you can farm Mr. Grubb at the same time (Hidden Stash from Lucky Charm).
Just had mine drop from farming the Shifting Mireglobs in Swamp of Sorrows.
Just run around the creeks in circles killing all the Mireglobs picking up Oozling Bags that sometimes drop from them. It took me 23 Oozling bags for my Disgusting Oozeling to drop (About 30-45 minutes of farming)
Got this bad boy today after just 45 minutes of farming for my first time with my 110 Druid. Swamp of Sorrows. I stopped when my bags were full. One Hexweave was empty and another had about 6 or 7 open slots. I had 22 bags to open and I found a H/B rare on the second bag. Boy do I feel lucky. There is no down time in the SofS. I was killing them constantly.
I finally got mine in the 126 bag I opened. It was the most annoying grind ever, and I did it over four days in Swamp of Sorrows. Best to do 20-50 attempts and then bugger off to do something else so your brain doesn't start to bleed out your ears. Keep going though! It'll happen!
(Also I got mine the day after my birthday, aw yeah. :D)
I gave up looking after a month of searching in every available location. I bought it at the AH.
I went to Swamp of Sorrows to level up a lowbie to get it ready for power levelling in Pandaria.
Just for the heck of it I killed a Slime Glob. It dropped a bag with a Disgusting Oozeling in it. Couldn't stop laughing. :)
After three days of farming the Swamp of Sorrows and over 900 mirelings killed, I finally got lucky. My warrior's annoyed, my Charge finger's tired, and if I never see another Broken Weapon again in my life, I'll be happy...but that Oozeling is mine!
218 bags in Swamp of Sorrows. Ouch!
Arrived at the swamp of sorrows to start the long and painful grind for this little guy. Apparently long and painful means one kill.
Farmed this pet myself, took approximately 64 bags to get.
The numbers on this drop are a bit decieving, but the best place by far to farm this is in the Swamp of Sorrows, specifically the Shifting Mireglobs have a 9% chance to drop the bag which is the highest drop chance possible outside of an instance and they respawn very fast, I usually don't have to wait for a spawn. 1.5 to 2% chance from the 9% bag for the pet, so overall a .2% chance to drop in total. Good luck!
Killing shifting mireglobs in Swamp of Sorrows. 1328 kills so far... 128 oozing bags... no oozeling :'(
This is a great place to farm them, just follow the waterways near The Harborage, the shifting mireglobs have just under a 1/10 chance to drop an oozing bag!
Update: Got it! kill # 1654, bag #141!
I tried to farm this guy in Swamp of Sorrows, but I was in competition with 2 hunters. So I looked up other options and saw that someone had suggested the cave in Mazthoril in Wintersprings, Not even 2 hrs and I'd say about ten bags and he dropped! Yess.
This one sucked. About 7 hours total and almost 2,100 kills to get this stinker. But hey, got it.....on to the next!
FArming Area : Swamp of Sorrows with hunter & Aspect of Cheetah / Track Elememtals. Running around the waterways between Harborage & Stonard
DAY 1 : Over 400 kills & numerous bags , no Oozeling. But i did get a heap of greens, few lock boxes, 59g & epic ring Freezing Band from trash & bags. Not even an hour of farming ( Would guess maybe 35-45 bags)
DAY 2 : 2 bags in , 5 minutes in . There it is !! Disgusting oozeling
After around 600 kills and 4 hours I finally got a bag that contained the Oozeling. Was very easy to kill in western Swamp of Sorrows, I just ran around and shot everything after turning on track elementals for my hunter. They stay in the water so it was very easy to just run around the whole area following the rivers